I appreciate the info, the more i am reading it sounds like Yamaha has a lot of pluses (I read one review about Samsung issues, but maybe its been resolved). Guess i am just going to have to pull the trigger on one of these and see how it sounds. There are just so many and they all seem so similar lol my head is spinning.
I want to get one that maximizes my speakers, has a nice clean sound, but I do not care about a lot of the extra bells and whistles many of these seem to have (and I am sure I would be paying for lol). I was leaning toward Sony at one point, but now i have read that it doesn't mesh well with these speakers so I guess its Pioneer, Yamaha, or Marantz.
It would be so much easier if I just knew which one of those had the best sound, putting out about 100 Watts for around $500 lol.
I think im leaning toward a Yamaha RX-A760 but this Onkyo TX-RZ810 sounds interesting for the price.(would love any feedback any one has on either)