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Everything posted by badboyspack

  1. Still looking for 1 or a pair of RB-75's black in color..............Let me know what's out there.
  2. The 7000 series Monster's better ones of their line up. Hope it works as good as it looks when it gets here. It will be installed on a mini system till I can hook the real system back up.
  3. LMAO, I also guess its better than nothing too.
  4. I know I will be boo'ed out of here but I just got a good deal on a monster signature series 7000.
  5. I need to see it in my house. Lets get this done ASAP. Get it boxed up and weighed so we can figure out the total cost from there to here!!!
  6. The dog is lucky it didn't get shot since the speaker was worth more than the dog costs. I love them that high but my room was not big enough to put the up that high.They were on bar stools and the one that dropped was near the kitty door in the sliding glass door. Wish I had my buddy make the shelves earlier. I can't figure out how to compress the picture I wanted to post.
  7. What do you guys use for power conditioners for you home theater systems? I'm looking for a good one at the moment.
  8. Absolutely, just waiting for him to get me some pics and figure out a price shipped.
  9. Thank You..............me too!
  10. He just replied to my message, hopefully a deal can get done ASAP
  11. Already did that sir.............now the wait begins!
  12. Yes, I posted on his topic and waiting a reply......I hope he see's it and gets back to me.
  13. Do you still have it and can you post up a several pictures? I'm interested in it.
  14. I'm currently looking for a pair or 1 RB 75. The damn dog knocked 1 on mine off the stand and it got damaged. I am looking for Black only. Post up pictures and prices of what you have for sale.
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