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Everything posted by JCrumbly_80

  1. Thank you dtr20, I looked on the back and you were right about the model numbers. The floor standing speakers are KG5.5, the bookshelf speakers are KG1.5, the center speaker is KV3, and the subwoofer is KSW-15. I’m trying to sell them (including a Sony Receiver and a Sony 100 CD Changer) and I’m having a hard time finding the right price to sell as a set. I listed the whole package, including the Sony items, for $800. I have had multiple offers for $400-$500 but that seems too low for Klipsch speakers of this craftsmanship. Am I way off? Would I be better off selling them individually?
  2. Hello all, I'm looking for some help identifying what Klipsch set my dad gave me so I can find the right owner's manual. Please let me know what information on the back of these speakers and subwoofer would be helpful. Any advice/help would be appreciated.
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