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Posts posted by onzedge

  1. 4 minutes ago, MetropolisLakeOutfitters said:

    I use a Parasound Halo A23, rated at 125 watts but it's underrated, real world test show closer to 150 watts, it works fine.  People ask this all the time but realistically speaking you should be able to tell when you're ripping your speakers to shreds with too much power.  I wouldn't be afraid to put a 400 watt amp on them because I know I'm not going to use all that power.  I'm typically just going to use the first few watts.  


    You all are very helpful and quite kind to me -- a neophyte.

  2. 10 minutes ago, twk123 said:

    Lol I dont think you need to worry about the 'cheap amp with inferior parts' issue with that thing. Those speakers will sound great with that amp. You may have to post some pictures when they come in as well. A cool thing about the Forte III is Roy Delgado personally designed them. He was Paul Klipsch's protege back in the day and they worked very closely together.  He is also a member on the form as @Chief bonehead and pokes in from time to time give advice and answer questions etc. Much of the horn design on the Forte III came from his work on the professional side and is truly state of the art.


    Thanks kindly.  I am piecing together my system and should be done within a month or so.  My work travel keeps me away from home a great deal lately.

  3. 2 hours ago, wvu80 said:

    Welcome to the Klipsch forums, Post #1!  Your question is a good one, something others have wondered as well.


    You will be fine with an amp that has more power than your speakers are rated for.  The simple answer which is also the best, is just don't turn your volume up to 10/10.




    Thank you for the good reply.

  4. 12 minutes ago, willland said:



    Welcome to the forum.


    Most 150w/ch amps would be just fine with the Forte III's.  Unless this amp is cheap(inferior parts, build quality) and the stated specs are exaggerated or plain dishonest, no problems should arise unless you twist the knob to max.  Forte III's are so efficient that you will never need anywhere near what a 150w/ch amp can provide.


    What particular amp are you speaking of?




    Thank you for the kind welcome.  It is a McIntosh MC152 paired with a Parasound Halo P5 Preamp.

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