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  1. I'm looking to replace the brown grill cloth on a pair of Cornwall II's. Maybe a year or two ago, I called Duracrest Fabrics and they sent me a great sample of that was the closest match I've seen. The guy on the phone said they had some rolls from when they did a few for Klipsch for CES or something. I should have ordered it then, but I decided to keep the originals instead. Over time, the imperfections and light stains that I can't seem to get out are really bugging me. I decided to give Duracrest a call a few weeks ago and nobody answered, so I left a message. I have called a few other times over the past 3 weeks with the same result. I just noticed a post on their Facebook page saying they no longer have any inventory. Does anyone have any info? A source of some brown speaker cloth for two Cornwalls? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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