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  1. Hello to everyone! As the subject states, this post is in regards to the obvious differences in sound between the Heresy and Heresy II models. The Heresy produces a "brighter" sound then the Heresy II, and IMHO, it's this characteristic and "in your face" sound that defines the "heritage" lineup. To me, the Heresy simply sounds better, overall, then the Heresy II. I've had the opportunity to listen to a pair of (circa 1979) Heresys alongside my Heresy IIs (purchased new back in 1991) and noticed an immediate visual difference in the tweeters and woofers---the midranges must differ too---they certainly SOUND different, but it was hard to detect a difference visually in the midrange driver. I was surprised at how much better I found the Heresys to be. My Heresy IIs seemed to be less colorful and less life-like then the Heresys. Am I alone in this opinion? I guess while evolving the Heresy into the Heresy II, Klipsch emasculated it to boot. But then again, maybe I'm alone in my opinion, and Klipsch did the right thing. Perhaps their research found that 8 out of 10 people thought the Heresy to be too bright and with insufficent bass. If that's the case then the Heresy II is, indeed, an "improvement." I just thing that they should have kept the midrange and tweeter from the Heresy and coupled them to the new woofer and new cabinet. THIS, to me, would be the ultimate Heresy...a Heresy III, if you will! LOL And boy, come to think of it, the repeated use of the word "Heresy" is driving my nuts! Perhaps I should have stated that the Heresy and Heresy II would be referred to H and HII respectively...LMAO. Oh well, I'll remember it NEXT time...
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