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Everything posted by javelkjell25

  1. Hi Thanks for the welcoming, and for your answer. I appreciate the warm welcome, and for helping out, even though it's my first post 👍 I will keep the RC-62 as a candidate. It looks looks like it has good reviews, and it's affordable. Actually, the weight of my current center is of great concern (I'm maxing out the TV-table's allowed weight), and I see that the RC-62 is in the same weight range as RP-440C. There's a couple of lighter ones in production, for example RP 400C, R-52C, but I'm afraid it might ruin the overall experience. Any helping suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Thanks
  2. Hi there My current setup is: 2x RF 82 (front) 1x RP 440 C 2x RP 250 S I need to downgrade the RP 440C center speaker (it's too big), and therefore I'm looking for a three-element speaker, and swap it with my five-element speaker. The criteria: It has to be a "budget" speaker, and it should fit with the current setup, sound-wise. The lighter, the better. I also welcome suggestions for speakers that are not currently in production, as they may be available on the used market. In advance, thank you so much for your help.
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