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  1. I ask this question in the original Super Heresy thread but I will quote myself in hopes someone share some light. Crossover network question for you chaps. Finally my set of DeltaPro 12a are in the house and I can begin with the mods, but after reading a couple of times the first pages of the thread questions arise. I am parting from original Type E Networks, so, is it just a matter of changing one of the caps to 4uF and changing some of the taps in the autoformer, no doubts there but what confuses me is some mentions about inverting the phase on squeaker and tweeter. Is that the case with an E network? Is there a final network schematic you can share so I can clear all fog and ensure I'm doing this correctly? Thanks, Rob.
  2. Been there done that. I have what I considered a good sub from Anthony Gallo and I was quite happy on how well it matched with other speakers. With the Heresys I could not get it to blend for some reason. Do to that I started to consider the Super Heresy Mod.
  3. They don´t go low but what they have in that department is quality no doubt but as we know bass is very room/ placement dependent. And in my case it lacks a bit. And yes the recap was the first thing I did. All PIO caps measured OK but replaced them anyway.
  4. Thanks Marvel for the info! So mine are '82s. Cool!
  5. Sorry for the delayed response everyone. Fortunately I am back at work after 3 moths of quarantine so the Heresy project will be slower than anticipated and will only be attended during weekends...as it used to be before the Corona thing. Any How, I will reply to each of you as time permits. Cheers, Rob
  6. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself quickly, stop lurking in the shadows and share with you my quest with a recently acquired Heresy pair. My name is Robert (Rob) I live in the northern part of Mexico and I have been an audiophile by my father´s inheritance. My quest for music Nirvana guided me to try the Klipsch sound and since my listening space/study is a bit crowded....it serves as audio workshop/music room/informal office... the space is limited and thus a pair of Heresy (smallest from the Heritage series AFAIK) seem to be adequate for the space (10´x12´) After a quick hunt I got myself a well preserved pair of Heresy I with TYPE E xover, K22E woofer, K55M squawker & K77M tweeter. Consecutive S/N 137X935 (any history with the given S/N will be much appreciated). After a quick check to the Xover network and verifying good cable connections hooked them to my modded Adcom GFA535, crude first impression great mids, good top end but lean on the bottom and with a coldish sound signature. I was expecting a lean bottom but it lacked body for its size. Changed the Adcom for my upgraded NAD 3120 and things were warmer and mucho better in the low end. Listened for a week or so to adjust my ears and brain. Things for me were too front forwarded in the mid & upper end, very very good with a good amount of WOW factor with how this drivers and Horns present the music. Like it! but...YEs there is a but....I did not went to bed with a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day, they lacked body...fullness. After reading some in the forum opted to try the well known network mod by @JohnA (great stuff John!) to tame / balance the upper portion and things got better, the veil in the lower half was pretty much gone, more balanced all around...but, yes, another but...well actually the same from the start, the 12 inch woofer seems to be a bit lacking and IMO does not make justice to the upper portion of the speaker. I do not consider myself a bass head but in my room the Heresys always leave a sense of....they do not give me the full grin I am expecting for. Nothing new I know but they could have a little more body in its foundation. Yes I have played with speaker placement since I know bass is very tricky vs speaker placement. After reading some more I am very tempted to go for the Super Heresy mod by @ClaudeJ1, seems pretty straight forward...thumbs up for the mod Claude, you have a good amount of followers for what I have read and really walked the mile with the mod and overall design and testing) Will gather the info, part list and everything necessary and will keep you posted on the progress, doubts along the way and outcome of this new near future DIY adventure. Anyhow, sorry for the long intro and I will be around reading all the good stuff from you guys. Rob.
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