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Everything posted by Nabludatel

  1. Thank you for the food for thought, will research the speaker upgrade approach. Will update once the problem is resolved or the third Forte purchased
  2. Hello fellow Klipsch community members. First of all I wanted to thank you for all the information I gathered on this forum. I'm very happy with the setup I bought after reading the forum (especially for music) yet I sometimes have a concerns about the center channel: In 1/3 to 1/2 of movies in DD+ L C R mode (stereo + center channel) the sound seems to be much less detailed than in DD+ L R (stereo only) mode. Even voices and nuances of dialog sound better with stereo only. It does not apply to all movies, it's relevant for up to 50% of them, old and new, regardless. It seems very odd to me. I have everything set automatically with Audyssey provided with the amp. As I said center speaker bought used, it seems to work fine both horn and woofers. What can be the problem? Are details on Academy much worse than on Forte? Maybe the Academy speaker is defective, how can I test it e.g. some special sound track to listen or some inexpensive equipment? Maybe some additional set up needed? Maybe there's more appropriate center channel to accompany Fortes? Any ideas will be much appreciated. Here's what I got. New Fortes III, bi amped, 1996 Academy bought on eBay, Marantz 7013. There will be two SVS PC-2000 subwoofers between the rack and a Fortes soon.
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