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  1. I never thought about glass tops. Maybe even Delrin? Thank you!
  2. Greetings all, Newbie here! Firstly, I want to say that these Cornwall IV's were probably the best investment I have made in my 40 years of being an audiophile. I use an all DHT SET system and it is "just right" with these speakers. Yes, I was one of those snooty audiophiles that sat "Klipsch...high-end, pfff..." Oh what hours I've squandered before I came to my senses. Anyway, I unfortunately am an animal lover and have 3 fur babies with a male Bengal mix that likes to perch and he decided he liked to perch on my new Cornwall's?!? 😣 My question is...how do I hide the claw marks on the cheap without fully refinishing the speakers? I have throw blankets on top now but he still knocks those off at times and he will make a small scratch. Thank you everyone in advance. I will try my best to add some good content to the forum as I'm an old guy and have some experience with gear matching, tube rolling, and all those audiophile things that push our buttons! Kregg 🙂
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