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Posts posted by Goldenear67

  1. What is the best La Scala replacement Woofer?
    Eminence Kappa 15C vs. Goldwood GW 15PC?

    Hey everyone:

    Original Klipsch La Scala K-33 woofer frequency range starts at 47 Hz

    Eminence Kappa 15C woofer is 63 to 2,800Hz  https://www.parts-express.com/Eminence-KAPPA-15C-15-Driver-4-Ohm-290-459?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetqN1ctJTSiuoJtilclZaFs9RwDwchTxtUsqBsVA2FHFlVmKAywy9MaApPbEALw_wcB

    Goldwood GW 15PC is 25 Hz - 2500 Hz https://www.midwestspeakerrepair.com/shop/home-audio/woofers/15-1-woofers/goldwood-gw-15pc-15-heavy-duty-woofer/

    It appears that using the Eminence Kappa 15C  you'll loose 20 Hz on the bottom end.  The La Scala's need as much low end as possible so why are these  replacement woofers o highly recommended?

    I can't speak for the Goldwoods clarity or performance because I have never used/heard them installed in a La Scala but did notice their specs on paper look better than the  Eminence Kappa 15C. 

    Wouldn't the Goldwood GW-15 PC be a better choice for a replacement woofer?

  2. Hey everyone:


    Original Klipsch La Scala K-33 woofer frequency range starts at 47 Hz


    Eminence Kappa 15C woofer is 63 to 2,800Hz  https://www.parts-express.com/Eminence-KAPPA-15C-15-Driver-4-Ohm-290-459?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetqN1ctJTSiuoJtilclZaFs9RwDwchTxtUsqBsVA2FHFlVmKAywy9MaApPbEALw_wcB


    Goldwood GW 15PC is 25 Hz - 2500 Hz https://www.midwestspeakerrepair.com/shop/home-audio/woofers/15-1-woofers/goldwood-gw-15pc-15-heavy-duty-woofer/


    It appears that using the Eminence Kappa 15C  you'll loose 20 Hz on the bottom end.  The La Scala's need as much low end as possible so why are these  replacement woofers so highly recommended?


    I can't speak for the Goldwoods clarity or performance because I have never used/heard them installed in a La Scala but did notice their specs on paper look better than the  Eminence Kappa 15C. 


    Wouldn't the Goldwood GW-15 PC be a better choice for a replacement woofer?

    Edited just now by Goldenear67

  3. Hey everyone:


    Original Klipsch La Scala K-33 woofer frequency range starts at 47 Hz


    Eminence Kappa 15C woofer is 63 to 2,800Hz  https://www.parts-express.com/Eminence-KAPPA-15C-15-Driver-4-Ohm-290-459?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetqN1ctJTSiuoJtilclZaFs9RwDwchTxtUsqBsVA2FHFlVmKAywy9MaApPbEALw_wcB


    Goldwood GW 15PC is 25 Hz - 2500 Hz https://www.midwestspeakerrepair.com/shop/home-audio/woofers/15-1-woofers/goldwood-gw-15pc-15-heavy-duty-woofer/


    It appears that using the Eminence Kappa 15C  you'll loose 20 Hz on the bottom end.  The La Scala's need as much low end as possible so why are these  replacement woofers so highly recommended?


    I can't speak for the Goldwoods clarity or performance because I have never used/heard them installed in a La Scala but did notice their specs on paper look better than the  Eminence Kappa 15C. 


    Wouldn't the Goldwood GW-15 PC be a better choice for a replacement woofer?

  4. What is the best La Scala replacement Woofer?

    Eminence Kappa 15C vs. Goldwood GW 15PC?


    Hey everyone:


    Original Klipsch La Scala K-33 woofer frequency range starts at 47 Hz


    Eminence Kappa 15C woofer is 63 to 2,800Hz  https://www.parts-express.com/Eminence-KAPPA-15C-15-Driver-4-Ohm-290-459?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetqN1ctJTSiuoJtilclZaFs9RwDwchTxtUsqBsVA2FHFlVmKAywy9MaApPbEALw_wcB


    Goldwood GW 15PC is 25 Hz - 2500 Hz https://www.midwestspeakerrepair.com/shop/home-audio/woofers/15-1-woofers/goldwood-gw-15pc-15-heavy-duty-woofer/


    It appears that using the Eminence Kappa 15C  you'll loose 20 Hz on the bottom end.  The La Scala's need as much low end as possible so why are these  replacement woofers o highly recommended?


    I can't speak for the Goldwoods clarity or performance because I have never used/heard them installed in a La Scala but did notice their specs on paper look better than the  Eminence Kappa 15C. 


    Wouldn't the Goldwood GW-15 PC be a better choice for a replacement woofer?



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