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  1. Good suggestions. When I was setting back up I did remove speaker wires, cleaned all contacts and reconnected, but I didn’t check the driver - which I will do just to be sure. I bought these originally when I lived in B’ham then moved them to Dallas and now Marietta, GA. With every move I have the wooden creates built after covering them with moving blankets. They are in pristine condition and I’m glad I’ve held onto them all these years as well.
  2. That’s a great idea and I have a guy that is really good with a soldering iron.
  3. We probably are closer than we think as I’m in N East Cobb right off I-575. I tried to send you a message, but says I can’t for some reason. Happy to meet for coffee some morning if you’d like.
  4. Probably not, but would hate to miss out on something great over last 45 years! I see you’re in Smyrna…I’m in Marietta.
  5. After many years of inactive listening I’ve retired and finding time to enjoy music once again. Bought walnut K-Horns after visiting Hope facility in 1978 and still have them and love them. My question is have there been any updates since 1978 that I should take advantage of. I’m not interested in any “aftermarket” crossovers or replacement horns - just OEM updates. Have been listening a lot over last few weeks and can’t imagine how they could sound any better, but thought I’d ask to see what may be available. Thanks in advance for any help.
  6. Thanks for your input Shakeydeal and of course now you have me thinking or re-thinking. Do you have a table and cartridge in mind if I could double the budget to $2500 that would make an appreciable difference over the P3? To get into a higher performing table should I consider a good used one? My issue is I have 2 other hobbies/interest that I need to feed as well. Being retired is awesome, but it does limit what I can spend. Thanks for your help as I appreciated your comments.
  7. Have decided to add a turntable to my system and have a question about Rega P3 w/ Elys 2MM compatibility. I have 1978 vintage K-Horns coupled with McIntosh and remember way back when I went through a number of cartridges before I settled on one (as some were really pushing the high end and sounded “tinny”.) I’m looking to return to the warmth of vinyl and wondering if anyone has any experience with the above turntable and cartridge. I realize that a lot of this is personal taste, but i just want to get the best sound possible from these awesome speakers. Any advice would be appreciated.
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