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Everything posted by BeeGee

  1. Hi, just wondering if anybody has any certain presets that they use for DVD's, videogames, music, etc... I really wanted to actually use the 3 presets that the DD5.1 has, but am unsure what settings I should use for the different categories. Any recommendations would be appreciated Thanks!
  2. Does anybody have any tips that would up the bass a bit with a ProMedia 5.1 and DD5.1 combination? Before the dd5.1 I noticed the bass quit a bit more and actually want something a little more "boomy". Is there any EQ settings that would help? and what bass management setting is recommended? Right now I'm using 3 I think which is supposed to be a large speaker mode. (the lights on the DD5.1 are all red except the center channel.) Any suggestions would help cause I'm lost thanks.
  3. K, here's my problem... I just received my DD5.1 decoder from UPS today and after getting all the necessary cables hooked up, I had everything ready to go. Right now I have the DD5.1 hooked up to my promedias and an Xbox. My problem is on the LCD display of the DD5.1 all the text is "pushed" over about half-way to the right. For example when I select my different inputs in PCM mode when I switch from the three inputs (LineIN, Aux1, Aux2)instead of saying the whole text (LineIn, Aux1, Aux2) it cuts off the end of the text b/c the entire LCD display isn't being used, pretty much just the right half. With just half the text the display instead reads (lin,A, or, A) which is kind of confusing if I happen to be using both of my auxiliary connections b/c for either 1 0r 2 all it says is (A). Another question that I have may or may not be a problem, but after playing a game of "Dead to Rights" on Xbox I'm not sure if the subwoofer is supposed to be part of the surround sound in that particular game? As of now there is no sub playing and the indicator light on the DD5.1 is red for the sub indicating that it's either not working or just not being used? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks again!
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