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Aris T.

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  1. it is my late dad's Sansui !!! wow..what a coincidence it is a killer receiver.. Never going to part ways with it
  2. i am thinking a tube amp and a couple of rel subs in the future. So in the meantime i might just experiment with a few inches here and there😅
  3. Well, as a matter of fact, i tried low stands, but it seemed to weaken the bass.. the tilted up floor positioning seems good in comparison..
  4. Hello! These are my newly arrived H2!! They sound and look fantastic. I only have one question though.. It seems I get better bass response to my ears when I am standing up...(my listening chair is about 8 feet from the speakers and they are distanced aprox 6 feet from each other) Has anyone experienced that before? I have tried several different positions and I came down to this.. Any suggestions? i am powering them with the vintage sansui 771 (32 wpc)
  5. Hey everyone I just got them!! They look and sound great..(I will attach photos) Only issue is that from the smell I can only guess that they were stored in a humid place. So my questions are the following: A) would you recommend any safe way of cleaning the grilles? The same for cabins and horns etc? C) Any suggestions on veneer maintenance? -oak oil - (I am located in Greece/ Europe so I guess if anyone knows any non American products it would be Extra helpful 😅) D ) Finally would you recommend that I took them to a technician for a "check up" ??
  6. Nice to hear that. I have read so many weird stuff about bass that I have concerns. I assume that you also have them placed on the floor? In your opinion should I place them on some low stands or not??
  7. How does it look?? Do you think it is a good deal? I mean based on images and info.. i could not listen to them since they are in another city, but I have a video that they both play, and it looks legit. I spoke with the guy on the phone several times..
  8. yes they are. they also have original boxes
  9. Thank you all. I went for them. By Saturday i will have them singing! I do have some worries about the bass but I guess I have to find out myself. Anyway I will try to post photos from the listing so I can get a few more opinions.
  10. Hello everyone! I am thinking of purchasing a used pair of Heresy 2 (2001 model according to serial number) in very good condition at 800 euros. Is that a good value? is there anything i have to look out for? My space is about 18 square meters and I have a good sansui 771 vintage receiver. Thanks in advance !!
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