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  1. I must explain my confusion. My amp/tuner, and speakers are 30 years old. Both of them are still working just fine. However, my Denon 1500II CD player has started to skip. While in the process of searching for a replacement several things happened. The Denon stopped skipping. I assume the condition is only temporary. But now I want more power, better speakers, actual cables to run to my speakers, ETC. I'm not particularly interested in getting into Home Theater, though my daughter wants me to. I enjoy listening to classic rock and classical music. Anyway, I don't know where I should spend my limited funds. My receiver is a Concord, model CR-250, if anybody has heard of it. It is rated at IHF 62 watts, Continuous Power (RMS) 50 watts. You may realize from this letter that I'm not into technobabble. Is that enough power to push the Klipsch RF-3's or SF-2's that I've been researching? By the way, I wanted to purchase a pair of Klipschorns from a family I know after their father died. He really loved those speakers! Anyway, they won't sell. But it has been about seven years since his death and they still don't have them hooked up. But I digress. I just need some direction. What should come first? A new CD-player, new receiver, speakers, a lobotomy. I've been reseaching so many different components my head is spinning. My wife also thinks I'm crazy. Please remember if you reply to this letter that I'm a poorly paid high school math teacher. Thanks in advance, Monk
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