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  1. I've read through some other posts similar to this and this doesn't seem to be an uncommon issue. This subwoofer is 12 years old and I've already ordered a replacement but was curious what was causing the fuse to blow when powered on. I opened it up expecting something obvious but could only speculate about one piece that looked broken - a small green piece with TH3 printed on the board next to it (see pics). Does anyone see anything obviously wrong in addition to this and/or know what the piece is? The weird thing is this only started happening after I moved and I moved my electronics on my own. I plug electronics into a UPS or decent surge protector. I didn't have any issues with the subwoofer for 12 years. An odd coincidence. Thanks.
  2. Hey, I purchased the r-15PM's with the r-10SW a couple months ago. Everything worked great, until recently when the monitors won't turn on. The sub's getting power and is working, but the monitors will not turn on. I tried different outlets, manual turn off/on, nothing. What would the next troubleshoot be in my case? How to check if a fuse blew out? Should I use a different power cord and try that? Thank you, Deece
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