Selling my cherry RC-7 from an upstairs system because I just don't use it much anymore. By and large it is in good shape and sonically spot-on, but I want to be upfront about all of the cosmetic blemishes (high res pics at link below which highlight the issues): a couple of light scratches on the top and each of the cones has a small wrinkle (esp. left one you have to get the light just right to see it). The grille has all of the pegs intact but has some of the grille plastic lattice broken slightly; with that being said once installed on the speaker it is still stiff (doesn't give when you push it in any area) and not distorted or anything crazy like that. Original box, bag, and instapak/foam, although I'd really prefer not to ship it. Zip 30188 Atlanta metro area. I'd love to get $400, so go ahead and get yourself an early Christmas present!