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Inverted Heresys


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I am so happy. My "new" Cornwalls work perfectly. They are a near exact match to the Heresys I bought several years ago-both pair are walnut and both were made in 1977. The only difference is the grille cloth. The sad thing is that I don't have room to use the Heresys as surround speakers, so they are sitting atop the Cornwalls and are hooked up as the surround back speakers! I live in a very small place.

Anyway, my question: Most of the time, I run 7-channel stereo so I don't worry about the delay issue, but I am concerned about the speaker placement. Both the Cornwalls and Heresys share the exact same tweeter and squawker, and I thought, why not invert the Heresys so that the tweeters are only inches from one another, then the squawkers are just several inches further apart! Is this wrong? Sure, the top speaker in my rig is a 12 inch woofer, but isn't it better to have the high end speakers closer together, than have the Heresys sitting normal, with its woofer just above the Cornwall's tweeter? Is there any damage potential having the Heresy upside down? It does look kinda strange with the Klipsch logo inverted, but it seems to sound more uniform, but then we can make ourselves believe anything!


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" Is there any damage potential having the Heresy upside down?"

No, none at all.

But, watch your distance between the woofer magnets and any TV picture tube.

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The minimum distance to the screen would be zero inches, since there is nothing on the screen that can be affected by a magnet. It's the projection unit you need to be worried about! [:P]

I still have a big-*** CRT, and my KLF-30s were far worse than either the Heresys or the Cornwalls in terms of screen color distortion. Of course, the 30s have two big woofer magnets and the heritage only have the one, but it has to do with the strength of the magnet and the proximity to the projector/CRT. If the speakers are shielded, then it can be right next to it, but if you don't see any color abberation, then you're fine. YOU'LL KNOW when it's affecting the picture!! I'm sure the magnets in my 29 yr old heritages aren't nearly as strong as the ones in the 5 yr old KLFs.

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But, I believe that my 65 in big screen is based on CRT, but I believe the crt part of the tv is down in the lowest part of the cabinet.

Anyone know if this is correct. The cabinet is very strong, it has a large center channel up there now. Once, I actually had to stand on the thing to hang a picture, it didn't seem to care at all. OUCH.


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