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Posts posted by texas42

  1. what's means in the la scala speakers

    TYPE LS FB TG serial 90011683 89-17498

    I attend your notice.


    LS= LaScala
    FB= Finished Birch
    TG- (not sure on that one)
    Serial number-  See Below

    Hope that helps...

    001 (ending #021)
    0121 (starting #0121)
    YY WW ####
    DOY Y2Y1 ####
    YY WW ####

    1962-1983 Letter format

    A = 1962 F = 1967 K = 1972 R = 1977 X = 1982
    B = 1963 G = 1968 L = 1973 S = 1978 Y = 1983
    C = 1964 H = 1969 M = 1974 T = 1979  
    D = 1965 I = 1970 N = 1975 U = 1980  
    E = 1966 J = 1971 P = 1976 W = 1981  


    1946-1961 dates can only be found in log book (eng. Library)

    DOY= day of the year

    YY=year (i.e. 99,00)

    Y2Y1=2nd digit of year, 1st digit of year

    WW=week of the year

    Date code on drivers (1994) Example - 9429 = 1994, 29th week of the year / YYWW

    Klipschorns of this vintage had the s/n hammer stamped into the tailboard, woofer access door or inside the woofer chamber.

  2. While I don't have a dog in this fight (if one were to even call it a 'fight') I DO find  it somewhat humorous that some would declare the 901s (no, I don't own them, although I did at one time.  But I've also owned probably 100 other pairs of speakers over the years) not high fidelity or accurate while espousing the use of tubes and horns (Disclaimer, I LOVE tubes and horns and my main system is currently composed of a pair of LaScalas, with ALKJr Crossovers; a pair of Quicksilver Horn Monos; and a Quicksilver tube linestage).   SS amps measure a LOT better than tube amps and horn speakers are far from flat (frequency response wise).  I've owned LOTS of speakers that measure FAR better than my LaScalas (Thiels, KEFs, Legacy Focus immediately come to mind).  However, I ENJOY my LaScalas (with tubes more).  I merely suggest it is not all about the measurements or even the approach.  A lot are dismissing the listening room as a component (I think the MOST important component).  I remember when I was going from one 'high end' speaker design to the next during the 80s and 90s most 'audiophiles' despised horns ("honky, shrill, ancient, poorly designed", etc).   I finally learned (through trial and error and lots of $) that only my opinion counts on what I find satisfying.  To automatically discard someone else's opinion on what 'they' enjoy seems to be somewhat 'exclusive' and short-sighted.  Even though 'bose-bashing' is an easy and convenient target; it doesn't both me one iota if someone else enjoys them.  Just my .02...

  3. Not mine....no affiliation other than I bought a pair of speakers from him 4 or 5 years ago and he thought I might want these (I don't as I already have a pair of LaScalas).  These are 1980 models, consecutive serial numbers (24U035 and 036).  From how he has described them to me (I haven't personally seen them) they are birch finished with a walnut stain and in pretty good shape with no major issues.  He wants $900 for the pair and can be reached at (210) 478-8787.  His name is Alan and since he doesn't have an email account I told him I'd post a notice for them among those who *might* be interested.  Obviously, probably have to be someone local to Texas as it would be cost prohibitive to ship.   Feel free to call him if you are interested or have questions.   Just trying to help a guy out... 

  4. David,

    That first picture thru me off! That is before I rebuilt the amp correct? I kept looking at those power supply cans and thinking man I didn't leave those in that amp! Just so folks know 3 of those above chassis cans have been replaced with JJ Telsa black clamp mounts.


    You are correct, I forgot how long ago I took that pic and that was before your remod. Below is the correct (current) look...Thanks for the headsup. And you are quite correct, this is a great amp for Klipsch speakers.



  5. Now that the holidays are over and it is safe to ship again, I am offering up my beloved NosValves modified Scott 299B Tube Integrated amplifier. This amp has been completely gone through with $429.00 of repairs (invoice dated June 2006 and can be provided to serious buyers). I have also purchased a custom cabinet top for this Scott which will be included in the sale. in my opinion, you simply cannot better the sonic quality of the amp (especially with Klipsch speakers) for anywhere near the price. I know it took me $2000 for a tube amp and preamp to better it and that is marginal, at best. Selling for $650 (including custom cabinet). Additional pics available upon request. I have perfect A'Gon and Ebay feedback plus numerous references. For any interested buyers in Texas, auditions are available. Email if you have any questions.


  6. If you want a tremendous tube amp to match your Klipsch; these are the ticket. Excellent condition and recently (8/06) received the full monty rebuild by Craig as NOSValves. This will be plug and play and has that wonderful tube sound that works perfect with horn (or high efficiency) speakers. Craig can vouch for the condition and sound of this one. I have over $800 in it so will sell for $650.00 firm. Reason for selling? I lucked into a very nice Cary AES 3 and AES-25 Superamp combo and don't want to box this up and not be used. Pics available upon request. I have perfect Ebay and Audiogon feedback plus numerous sales on both this site and at AudioKarma. Buy with confidence. Email if you have any questions.

  7. Using that criteria, I might suggest then either classical guitarist Andres Segovia, Stevie Ray Vaughn or Roy Clark who could all play a variety of styles at the highest levels.

    As an aside, this is always a great debate because there is no one 'best', only those who moved us the most.

  8. Preferably black and in excellent to mint condition (with original box/manual). Hopefully someone has upgrade-itis. PM or email me condition and what you are looking to get. I can find new ones on ebay but thought I'd go this route first. Thanks...



  9. I paid $1000 for my 1979 models which were in excellent condition, then added another $400 for Dean's Crossovers and $50 for glass tops and I'm set; $1450 for a 'new' pair of vintage speakers that will always stand the test of time and sonically can't be beat for anything close to its price.

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