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Posts posted by jbsl

  1. Dee, Don't know about your situation but I'm not too happy with Dell right now. A couple of weeks ago I bought a new PC from Dell for my wife's business. The ship date provided was 12/12/08. It still has not shipped and the latest ship date provided was 12/18/08. Now it looks like I will not have it by Xmas barring some miracle and it was all supposed to be up and running this week along with some other equipment I purchased. The whole thing screwed up on me.

    In the past I have been happy with Dell and have had good luck with their equipment and stuck with them. But today I am not real happy with them.

    I worked at a Dell manufacturing plant in Austin for ten years until they closed it recently so I can think of two possible reasons.

    One there may be a part shortage for the industry. Sometimes a part has high demand by Dell, HP, Apple and the supplier can not keep up with the demand, especially at Christmas. What did cust service say?

    The other is that after they closed the manufacturing plant I worked at the other two plants can not keep up with the demand. Many of us at the plant they closed wondered if they shut us down to soon. I worked 2nd shift which ended Aug 22 and 1st shift ended Nov. I don't know if this is the problem but they should have kept a full staffed 1st shift on till Jan to ensure they could help with the backlog.

    I may be able to check with some of my friends in Tech support who may be able to figure out what the hold up is. Let me talk with them and I will get back with you.

    I was a Expeditor/Escalation Senior Assisant while at Dell and my job was to work order completion and aged orders. I would find out why a order was not shipped and solve the problem.

  2. I don't have KHorns but I do think it is a fair question. I don't think there is any one answer but what works best for you.

    When I got my La Scalas they sounded very bright. I sit about 10 feet back and they are 15 feet apart with 8 foot ceilings.

    So the tweeter is aimed right below my ears, the mid horn is aimed at my chest, and the bass bin is aimed at my legs and they sounded bright to me. I made 6 inch risers for them and with the tweeter above my ears mid horn ear level and bass bin at lower chest they sounded much better.

    Now if I could move the La Scalas out to 18-20 feet with a 12-15 foot ceiling and sit 15 feet back then I don't think I would need the risers. Then again maybe I would still prefer them with risers.

    If you can find chairs of different heights experiment with them to find the right listening height for you.

  3. I run a optical(or digital coaxial) from my sound card to my tube DAC then to my preamp. I am going to sell my tube DAC so I will have to figure something else out.

    I do not do internet radio just make playlists with hundreds of songs and let it play all day long while I am doing things around the house.

  4. Sorry did not understand the situation[:D]!

    I have the Denon 2900 and it has a outstanding picture. I would use it with component cables to the older tv. I have a Sony 34 in widescreen CRT(heavy beast!!) that I used with my Denon 2900 with great picture. Since it is a 34 inch screen the detail is almost the same as BLue Ray with my HDTV. When I got my Sony 52 rearprojection HDTV the Denon 2900 still did a good job but not as good as the Toshiba HD A35 player or the PS3 blue ray player.

    Use the blue ray with the flat panel since they are made for HD dvds. The Denon would still look good on the flat panel but the HDMI cable and Blue ray players/dvds give it a really outstanding pic on HDTVs.

    Then later get another flat panel tv and blue ray player for the home theater room.

  5. Not sure what center you have now but it seemed you did not want your tv on top of a LS II. So put the HF section on some kind of a base and then put the LF section next to it. I have a pair of 2004 LS with a single split(old beat up) LS for a center that works great. The top of my HF section is about 26 inches high and the tv stand is about 28 inches.

    If a LS II cannot do the job of a center channel then only a KHorn would do the job.

  6. I do understand your points but it is like trying to argue why people buy the best Mercedes car available. I have a friend who is leasing a Jaguar car for $800 a month. That is almost my mortgage payment($890) so to me that is insane but to her it is just a car payment.

    Look if you feel they are overpriced for the performance then do not buy them. The Jubilee, KHorn, and La Scala IIs are outstanding speakers so buy one of them.

    For me the Palladiums performance would have to be sooooo much better than the Jubilee, KHorn, and La Scala IIs to justify spending another $10,000-13,000. That does not mean they are overpriced for the target market the Palladiums were intended for.

    As far as the price increase that is for Klipsch to decide and if it causes a drop in sales then Klipsch will have to deal with it.

  7. Always remember it could be worse.

    I got laid off from work 6 weeks ago, will have to sell my 2 channel and HT systems, and the way it is looking may eventually loose my house unless I can find a job which in this economy is not going to be easy.

    So I would love to have your problems right now.

    Otherwise I'm doing pretty good this week.

  8. I'm a Texas fan and Tech played the better game. Texas first half sucked due to Tech playing much better ball and that cost Texas the game.

    Tech has two very hard games coming up so it will be interesting if they can stay unbeaten.

    Congrats Tech fans.

  9. I have 2004 La Scalas with AL-4 crossovers and I have heard La Scala IIs.

    The LS IIs had a better overall balanced sound than my LS because the bass goes deeper and I think the treble is tamed by the crossover(not sure if it was just how it sounds). Very nice sound!!

    I think with my LS the mid horn can sometimes overpower the bass and not give as balanced a sound, I use a pair of Fortes with the mid and treble horns unhooked and use the bass only like subs that blends great with my LS.

    I paid $3500 in the US for my new 2004 LS and you are in Norway probably looking at least $6000 or more for LS IIs. It just depends on your budget.

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