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Dave R.

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Everything posted by Dave R.

  1. I have KLF 20s as main speakers in my system and I'm addind a sub woofer which I built using a Shiva driver and a Parts Express 250W plate amp. I plan to use the speaker level inputs.Instead of wiring from the receiver to the sub input and then from the sub output to the mains, can I wire from the receiver to the mains and then from the mains to the sub inputs? Will this change the main's ohm rating?
  2. I will be feeding the sub from the sub output in the Kenwood. The sub has a 250 watt amp.
  3. I will be feeding the sub from the sub output in the Kenwood. The sub has a 250 watt amp.
  4. I built a subwoofer using a Shiva driverwhich has dual voice coils which can be wired for either 4 or 16 ohms. My Kenwood receiver calls for * ohm speakers including the sub output. Any suggestions? I'm I going to fry the amplifier if I use a sub without the recommended ohm rating?
  5. Please contact me at mgtf5@aol.com.
  6. Please contact me at mgtf5@aol.com.
  7. I am in need of a KLF-C7 or a K-90KV tweeter to use with my KLF-20. Does anyone have one for sale?
  8. Thanks for the replys. I guess I Will go with the KLF-C7. Does anyone have one for sale?
  9. How can you shield a non shielded driver so it can be used near a TV?
  10. Has anyone made a comparison between the RC3-II and the RC-35? I'm looking for a center channel speaker to use with my KLF-20 mains. I don't have enough space for an RF-7.
  11. Do you still have the SW-12 for sale? I would be interested.
  12. Is it OK to place a down firing sub on a carpet? Which is better, a carpet or a hard surface?
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