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Posts posted by Darren

  1. I like the RS series for movies, and have just gotten into SACD and DVD-A. The RS do a decent job on these, but I'm sure you'd be better of with the RB's (or, as Bill says, even better to match your mains). Personally, I only have 1 DVD-A and 3 SACD's. Not worth investing in more speakers at this time.

  2. I can only address the Rotel, no experience with Adcom. The Rotel is quiet and delivers very clean sound - a very good match with Klipsch. A mid-high end dealer in my home town (small shop that's been in business for 30+ years and I respect greatly), suggested the combination. After listening to several set ups, I liked the Rotel and went with that. I've been extremely very happy with the Rotel / Klipsch combo.

  3. I would think the RSW-12 would do you fine, if you want to stay with Klipsch. I've owned a few subs (including the KSW-15) and really like the RSW-12. A lot of people on this board love the SVS subs. Haven't heard those myself, but reviews are outstanding, especially for the money.

  4. Steelerfan - If you can get a good deal now, I'd say go for it. You may want to PM Griff - I think he has some experience with the Sherbourn's. B&K are sure well thought of on this board.

    Regarding the free financing option - I'm a CPA and Finance Manager. ALWAYS take free financing, even if you have the money put aside. Why give up the interest you can be earning on the money you have? The only thing to watch for is the "free" part. Will they give you a better deal if you pay cash? If so, it's not free financing.

  5. I always look forward to going to the movies, then normally returned disappointed. I saw Passion of Christ and it was fine - movie before that was Return of the King. Sound was not nearly as good as mine (I watched the Two Towers the day before at home, so the comparison was easy). Worst part, people would not shut up. Even through the end. Can't believe people would sit through 9+ hours of a story just to talk through the end 7.gif

    Anyway, I'll continue to go because I'm a glutton. I will also continue to be impressed by my home set-up afterwards 16.gif

  6. The Yamaha's have taken a bit of a beating on this forum. I was very happy with my DSP A-1 and the special effects front speakers really do spread the sound stage. I do miss that feature.

    That being said, their was a significant improvement in sound quality when I went to separates. That new Yami looks and reviews great, but when you're spending that kind of money, you really should do some comparisons. There are a lot of really nice options (separate and receivers) in that price range.

    One caution, the review says: "RATED POWER 170 watts x 7 into 8 ohms with maximum 0.015% THD (channels driven individually or in pairs)" I've been told the power ratings are more "true" when they are rated all channels driven together. Doesn't sound like the yami will deliver 170 watts to all 7 channels at the same time, not that you would likely need that.

  7. A "better" amp will always bring more out of your speakers. However, if your only concern right now is the cross-over setting, 100hz isn't too bad with book shelf speakers (I personally change between 60 and 80 hz with RF-7's - still not sure which I prefer). Your mains will go lower, but if you have a decent sub, there's no need to strain the mains down to their lowest limits. Let the sub do the heavy lifting on the low end and free your mains up for better mids and highs. IMHO of course.

    Also - if you use Bill's guidelines (cross-over twice as high as the speakers lowest frequency) then your ideal setting is 90 hz - pretty close to what you have.

    Bill - I never heard it put that way. Simple and consistent. From there, you can always tweet to preference (if your amp allows). Good hint.

    And welcome to the forum.

  8. While waiting for your Y-adapter, try plugging the RCA cable into the left input of the subwoofer, instead of the LFE input. I had the same thing happen and this worked. Also, double check your receiver settings. Having your mains set to large and the cross over at 80 hz sounds ok, but make sure you have sub set to "yes" and bass management set to "max" or both (terminology is different with receivers). With your mains set to large, you may not be getting signal to the sub. Finally, turn your manually cross-over setting on the sub all the way up. Since you have the cross-over set at the receiver, you don't want the sub cross-over to interfer. Good luck.

  9. ----------------

    On 5/14/2004 7:56:49 AM Ray Garrison wrote:

    I was a big M*A*S*H fan, and in my opinion the series finale was one of the greatest examples of television theater and all that it can be that I've ever seen.

    The finale of Newhart was one of the best surprize twists, and a wink and a nod to the loyal fans of Bob Newhart that followed his career, and I think I laughed louder and longer at the last 30 seconds of that show than at anything else I've ever watched.

    It's too bad that there are so few examples of this that I'm having trouble coming up with others...


    MASH and Newhart were great. Most other endings were let-downs, but here's two more final episodes that I thought were really excellent: The Wonder Years and Quantum Leap. Just my 2 cents...

  10. I think the "ideal" position is ear-high in your normal listening position. I've never actually seen that done, but that would make sense - at least to me. I have mine higher than that - about ear level while standing and they do just fine. I think you have some flexibility, but going just inches from the ceiling is quite high compared to your sitting position (unless your ceilings are 4 feet high or your couch is 6 feet high 2.gif ).

    Why do you want to go that high? Can you angle them down? I did that with a set of speakers long ago when I had no choice - had to go above a door frame. Worked for me.

    Regarding the speaker wire and limited room behind the RS-7's. That's a tough mount, no question. I have some thick wire and had to strip the external insulation off the last foot or so (the wire was thicker than the space the pads create between the speaker and the wall). Other than that, it's just a lot of persistence to get them up. Good luck.

  11. ----------------

    On 5/11/2004 11:14:50 PM chops wrote:

    And if you or I took the time to try and figure out the dimentions to that speaker, I'm guessing it would be just under 9' tall. That would definately pose a problem for people who have 8' ceilings, like me. Man, that sucks.... That means I couldn't even listen to my own creation! LOL


    No problem, they're balsa wood. Just sand the top down at a side angle then lean the speakers in a bit. Everyone knows that speakers over 8 feet tall sound better with the tweeter tilted in, ever so slightly. 9.gif

  12. ----------------

    On 5/11/2004 11:59:30 PM jephdood wrote:

    You're probably right that I'll end up upgrading my mains at some point. And maybe I'll do that down the road when they're clearing them out for the next big Klipsch Reference model.. but not right now. Heck, I just bought the RF-3s.


    Ah! Logic! That kind of thinking will have to go. 2.gif

  13. ----------------

    On 5/11/2004 9:41:56 PM MrMcGoo wrote:

    The Reference series are all similarly voiced. Hence, the Refernce 3s will work with the RC-7. However, the RF-7s would sound better with the RC-7. If you go with the RC-7, I predict that upgraditis will be the result. It happened to me that way.



    Man - ain't that the truth! I initially upgraded just the center then ended up with the whole 7 package!

    I agree with Bill - the RC-7 should work fine with the 3's, just not as good as with the 7's. You will have to play with the settings some, but I would think you could dial it in. You are correct, center is incredibly important for HT.

  14. I don't have the 5900, I have the 2900 (I think the 5900 is a higher end version?). The 2900 plays CD, DVD, DVD-A, SACD, HDCD, CD-R, CD-RW and (I think - never tried it and not sure how it works) MP-3 files. I don't know the difference between the 2900 and the 5900, but would think you'd be able to find all the details at the denon web site - here's a link:


    The 2900 has been great - excellent audio and video. Would assume the same with the 5900.

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