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Posts posted by RJD

  1. I've decided to use tubes to smooth out some of the harsness of the horns with ss. Been thinking about trying the Quicksilver mini mites. This is my 1st venture into tubes and was wondering if these would be a good match. Also considering the Transcendent SE OTL amp which they recomend for horns; however it only puts out 1.5 watts. which seems quite low for my fortes. My budget is around a thousand and both fall right in there with the Quicksilver at $998 and the OTL at $1299. My preamp is a Mac C26 ss. Room size: 14x20 Music preferences: accoustic gituar, light rock, Bocelli, Brightman, blues

    Any comments or suggestions please?

  2. I had been looking to get into the tube sound with my Fortes and didn't want to spend much getting my feet wet. Found an old Eico HF-85 tube preamp on e-bay and received it a few days ago. I was immediately impressed with the warmth and yet detailed midrange and deep soundstage. However, bad CD's and vinyl were very apparent. I would prefer a different design to the controls and the jacks are extremely close making it difficult to attach cables. However for $200 I won't complain; but I can definately see an upgrade in the future.

  3. I have been reading about preamps that can be used in either the active or passive mode. What do these terms mean and should there be a control knob on the unit to switch between modes? Also, would there be a sound difference between the two?


  4. ----------------

    On 1/29/2005 11:36:02 AM jt1stcav wrote:



    Thanks for the many comments, advice and suggestions. The wealth of knowledge is amazing along with some of the fabulous systems you guys possess. I have been searching various audio sites and e-bay for vintage equipment. However the price of quality tube amps and preamps are surprising even though they are 30 to 40 years old. I am acting on a suggestion from someone on this site who owns a CVT1030 pre-amp by AMC. It definately sounds like I would like this pre-amp and it is within my price range. However, after much searching, I could only find one (CVT1030S) available at the AMC web site and they wanted $800 for it (much more than I want to spend).

    Again..many thanks for your help!

  5. I have been looking at some vintage Dyanco, Eico, Scott and Sherwood gear both power amps, pre-amps and integrated but I am still undecided. Your pre-amp sounds great except that I would want a phono stage. I forgot how good vinyl sounded until I recently bought a Denon DP-45.

    Thanks for your suggestions Dave

  6. I'm at a loss to which piece of gear I should replace. I have Forte's, a B&K pro 5 pre-amp and an adcom gfa555 power amp. The forte's will NEVER leave! Which affects the sound more the amp or the pre-amp? What about a integrated hybrid such as those offer by Jolida? (tubed pre-amp only) As I am limited to about $500; I need to make the best chioce possible. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  7. I applied 1 1/2" ropecaulk 3/16" thick around both the midramge and tweeter horns on one of my fortes. After listening to each one separately I could immediately hear the difference; almost all the harshness and brightness (to my ears) was gone. A most welcome improvement after living with this "condition" sine 1988. They sound more balanced and fluid. Thanks for the efficient and inexpensive tweak!

  8. I'm new to this forum but a long time Forte owner and lover of Klipsch speakers. I am going to try the HD rope-caulk on the horns as suggested. It seems like a cheap and relativly easy tweak for improving those harsh sounding horns. So glad I recently came across this site and have spent hours here already learning much about all things Klipsch and sound systems in general.


    Adcom GFA 555

    BK Pro-5 Pre-Amp

    Sony X111ES

    Nakamichi CR-2A

    Dual 505

    Audioquest Interconnects

    Monster cable


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