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Posts posted by codhead

  1. Gilbert,

    Man, I really know what you're feeling right now! After UPS knocked the

    bottoms out of my Decorator Cornwalls, I was fit to be tied. I have a

    slightly compressed corner too, but thankfully it's a back corner.

    After damaging 2 of my amps by dropping them, I would not hold my

    breath when it comes to getting a claim out of FedEx. Taking them to

    court appears to be the only viable solution. I think they're blowing

    smoke up your a$$ regarding how they inspect packages for damage. Their

    standard procedure is to take the package back to the FedEx hub, and

    have the manager look at it. I found this out, as there was no way I

    was gonna trust those apes not to do further damage to one of my amps.

    I borrowed a friend's SUV, and personally hauled a 100+ pound amp back

    to the FedEx facility in a rain storm for the damage inspection.

    From the sound of things, your cabinets may be too far gone - unless

    you want to bondo them, and paint them black. If you do manage to get

    blood from a turnip (FedEx pays your claim) there may be another

    solution. The forum member Popbumper might be willing to CNC cut you a

    new set of cabinets, and ship them flat (unassembled). Assuming that

    you're allowed to keep the damaged speakers, you could have them glued

    up locally and reuse the innards. That would probably result in the

    nicest set of Decorators in existence.

    Good luck!

    - Jeff

  2. This came from "annwilliams055@hotmail.com" (if anyone wants to have

    some fun):

    From:Ms.Ann Williams

    575 Finchley Road

    London Nw3 7BJ,U.K.

    United Kingdom.


    My name is Ann Williamsr.I am a friend and a personal councellor to a former

    credit manager and then the account officer of a foreigner named Gerard

    St.Germain who died in an air crash along with his wife on the 31st October

    2001 in an Egyptian airline 990,with other passengers on board.You can

    confirm this from the website below.


    My friend resigned from the bank months ago because of internal family

    problems,but before his resignaton he was managing the deposit account of

    the late Gerard St Germain were he had access to some vital information as

    to how the funds will be paid to the next of kin.Since his death, none of

    his next-of-kin is alive to make claims for this money as his heir,because

    they all died in the same accident, him and the wife,Yvette St.Germain (May

    their soul rest in peace).The bank cannot release the funds from his account

    unless someone applies for the claim as the next-of-kin to the deceased as

    indicated in their banking guidelines.

    Upon this discovery, my friend asked me to look for a reliable person to

    stand as the next of kin because he can not handle this directly since he

    has worked in the bank, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a

    next of kin to the deceased,as all documentations will be carefully worked

    out by me and my friend for the funds valued (US$15,000,000.00)to be

    released in your favour as the beneficiary's next of kin. After four years

    the bank is permitted by law of UK to send the money to the treasury as

    unclaimed bills and the money shared amongst the directors of the bank.

    It is on this basis,that my friend asked me to seek for whom shall be used

    as the next of kin/beneficiary to this funds rather than allow the bank

    directors to share this money amongst themselves at the end of the year.

    Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance to this noble offer

    by furnishing me with the following information if you are interested.

    1.Beneficiary name and address in order for me to to get a probate for the

    transfer of the funds in your name.

    2. Direct Telephone and fax numbers.For our personal contact and mutual


    Upon your acceptance, I shall give you my direct telephone number so that we

    can discuss freely.We shall be compensating you with four million

    dollars(US$4Million Dollars) on final conclusion of this project for your

    assistance,US$1Million Dollars shall be for any unforssen expenses,while the

    remaining US$10 Million will be shared between me and my friend.

    If this proposal is acceptable by you, please endeavor to contact me

    immediately,if not please disregard this email.


    Ms.Ann Williams

  3. Run over to Wal-Mart and pick up a can of tennis balls. Take a good

    serrated kitchen knife, and cut two of the balls in half. The four

    pieces can be used as kind of a "poor man's Vibrapod" to see if

    additional isolation between the shelf and the CD player will cure your


  4. "Providing the accuracy, detail and output you'd expect from Klipsch, the all-in-one iGroovehttp://www.klipsch.com/product/product.aspx?cid=961'> digital music system delivers audiophile-quality performance everywhere you need it."


    When it comes to specs, the $99.99 ProMedia Ultra 2.0 would appear to be capable of kicking the $279.99 iGroove's butt.

    Apple iPod Universal Dock ... $39.00

    Apple iPod Remote ................ $29.00

    ProMedia Ultra 2.0 ................. $99.99

    I'd rather save 110 bucks, and have better sound.

  5. But craig isn't a capitalist, he disowned me because I purchased a product made in china, not only is that racist but is totaly not capitalistic!!!


    You really need to nix the "racist" crap. There are valid reasons to avoid some of the Chinese gear:

    1) Workmanship

    2) Parts quality

    3) Availability of replacement parts

    But since that's all been explained before, it would appear that you find some kind of twisted pleasure in throwing the "race card" down at Craig (or maybe you're being home schooled by an ACLU lawyer).

    If you were told "Don't buy product X because it was not built by white people." that would be racist.

  6. Like tubes? Like Heritage Klipsch? I would not be so fast to condem

    those that offer their products and services here. I've said it

    before... this is a dying industry. If these guys can make any

    contribution that helps preserve the gear we love, I sure don't mind.

    Don't believe me? Take a look at the Klipsch homepage. What's making

    news? Heritage products? I don't think so. Seems like Joe Consumer

    cares a lot more about the latest stylin' HT system, iPod accessory

    (the "J-Cup adaptor" must appeal to Dolly Parton fans), or Hollywood

    bi-sexual's "gift bag". All that's missing is a headline like "Space

    Aliens Confuse ProMedia System For Mother Ship".

    In 20 years most of that stuff will be clogging up some landfill, while

    the products these guys make are still going strong. If by some reason

    Joe Consumer stumbles across one of these threads, he might just become

    curious about what a tube amp or crossover is. Heck, he might even be

    surprised to learn that people still use speakers that are older than

    he is - and that Klipsch still makes them (but he'll have to hunt down

    the Heritage sub-menu).

    So before you pee in someone's elses Wheaties, remember that the toes you step on... in the long run, may be your own.

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