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Posts posted by Bret_Salyer

  1. I know what you mean. I've been trying to pick a color for my exterior and have bought 20 sample pints and its never what I envisioned.

    Believe me because I like neutral colors, that is a nice brown and I bet its awesome to eliminate home theater reflections too. I like the black on the screen wall too.

    Nice job again. Props to all the others, but this gets my vote for best I've seen in awhile.

    Edit: carpet is great too.

  2. Me?

    I like the Denons. I think they have a very clean sound and the 3808 has alot of features including ethernet port for Internet radio / music server / firmware updates, etc., multisource/multizone, HDMI 1.3, 40 hz and 60 Hz crossover settings, and all the latest audio formats, etc. I was coming off another Denon so I didn't really compare with anything else except Yamaha.

    If I were buying again I might look harder at Pioneer, Onkyo, and Marantz or separates if I had the $$$, but I am very happy with this unit.

  3. I use the Audyssey first and tweak from there. When you calibrate the main listening position, put the mic in the middle listening position and the distances and levels will be accurate. The sub distance may look strange but is probably adjusted for room eq. Really only major change I made was fade the surround speakers for movies, but play with them all as you can always recalibrate.

  4. Once this is done, both subs will end up calibrated properly, more or less, over the range of frequencies that they share (30Hz+). But the range of the more capable sub from 18Hz to 30Hz will now be calibrated at too low a level.

    It sounds to me in this scenario he benefits a little because now he has atleast a little bit of rumble below 30Hz.

    What if he set it up a different way and had one sub crossed over or EQ'd to handle 30Hz + and the sub with more extension to handle 30 Hz and below? Might be worth a try.

  5. I would go 1080P, too.

    To me, the top Panasonic Plasmas have accurate color and black levels second only to the Pioneer Elite but are more affordable. See for yourself.

    If I were buying today I would look again at the new Samsung LCDs with high refresh rate and Motion de-blurring but again, more money.

  6. The Panasonic BD10A Bluray player has component and 7.1 analog outs.

    At first I thought HDMI was the shtuff with only one cable to hook up until I tried to use video select, and multizone features, etc...

    Since you can't use these features with HDMI, I think it mostly sucks.

  7. I did get it. thanks.

    It looks like you sent me everything.

    I haven't had a chance to check it out that much as I have had my system unhooked swapping a couple components and new audio stand. But I will soon.

  8. Price is a big issue but I ran across the following quote:

    It won't be a problem. I have used my 207 on a pair of Cornwalls, KG 5.5s and Epic CF-4s. If any Klipsch speaker was going to explore the limits of that amp it would be the CF-4s and the McIntosh handles them wonderfully.

    The Sunfire is not even in the same league as the MC207.

    I am thinking about a new amp and am curious to the last statement of this post - is it true?

    I notice Sunfire does not post a s/n ratio. Is this the determining factor?

    Which is the best bang for the buck?

    For tube afficiandos, Does the Sunfire current source produce a tube like sound? Or is it even close?

  9. Bret...not sure if you realize this but Lustmord did sound design for the Underworld Soundtrack score. If you're listening to the score that Paul Haslinger(ex Tangerine Dream) did then you're basically listening to Lustmord as well. I'm not talking about the soundtrack with all the regular songs though.

    I did not know that. But after listening to the samples on Amazon I am not surprised.

    The Lustmord samples seem pretty relaxing to me. I am going to check out some of his stuff.

    I was referring to the Underworld music soundtrack, specifically the Renholder tracks. I think this album is good overall as well.

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