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Posts posted by boa12

  1. due to the intense competition, they all have about the same price for the same phones, services & features.

    do some research & get the one that has the best signal strength in

    your area, & where you go alot. it IS that simple.

    P.S., usually it's verizon wireless (IMO & experience). [;)]

  2. what? I already found this hard to find $400 (negociated down

    from $500 at Circuit City) stand that perfectly matches the TV &

    puts it at perfect eye-level from the seating. I already

    would have to take back the center mount I got for the C-7 to go top

    the TV [:D]

    reason? you think it's too low? I gots plenty o' room

    for a wall mount above it. just don't want it falling on the

    TV. & that wall isn't part of the basement foundation -

    it's actually wood frame above ground, as the ground slopes

    dramatically away from foundation from right to left. hope

    the studs are in the right place. :-)

  3. SB, so it's on pre-order? will you do a single, as for a center? when is it due out?

    I don't understand - the Cornwall IS a verticle speaker. are the III bookshelf? ;-)

    you must mean that it doesn't come w/ inverted horns (?)

    my brother went there to Western & he & rest of the family are in Seattle. be a good reason to stop up there.

  4. sorry if mentioned, but have you guys checked out the clearpix screen?


    when I was scoping FP, I checked it out pretty thoroughly. this is the one, but expensive as hell.

    when are the Corn III coming? sorry, did a google & came here. LOL

    I'm convinced I need a Corn center mounted upside-down above this new Sony.

    screw trying to find another C-7 that doesn't match the Corns as well as another Corn or heresy (x2?) anyway.


  5. 78K, thanks again. yeah, w/ an RPTV you

    shouldn't have any MI anyway, as the guns are far away at the bottom of

    TV (as far as I've heard). some sticklers may claim that

    unshielded speaks can affect an RPTV or even LCD, but I think it's

    mainly a CRT problem.

    I know it was when I put my klf-30 about 6 in on each side of my

    Toshiba CRT Theaterwide at the old place. I had to put bucking

    mags on each of the 8 total drivers (no shield cups).

    myself, & I ain't no carpenter.

    btw, great room, sys & set-up. I wanted a wider wall & 4

    corners all around, but needed some decks too. I'll try to

    attach a pic of the start of it here.


  6. "do they just think that heritage people listen to two chanel audio with

    our reel to reel decks, smoke pipes and have smoking jackets in our

    shag carpet basements?"

    yeah, that's me to a T, but replace the reel-reel w/ cassette deck. LOL - not really.

    "First they are releasing a new CW it is the CW III"

    hold the phone! a new Cornwall? man, I have been gone too

    long. I just so happen to be in the market for a single corn

    to use as center, & I bet I could get them to sell a single.

    where's the info? nevermind, I'll google.


  7. Mike,

    Just think, I send you the cloth, then you send me back the cloth AND speakers.


    I have to figure out if two would work sonically. If so, it's

    probably a done deal as Heresy are everywhere. Actually, I

    was even starting to

    think of doing one upside-down Cornwall as center instead, but you know

    how "easy" Corns are to find, especially just one split from the pair.

    If I could find that golden Cornwall, that's what I'd do. Definitely hire pros to mount.

    Or, maybe I should just do one Heresy for center, but I want BIG center sound, 80% from center with HT & all.

    I started another thread over in HT on the prospects of using TWO centers.

    Here I go again. Finally got the house to match the HT. [:D]


  8. now 78K, you have belles between KHorns...HHS! since I was

    last here, you guys have gone Gonzo on me....& I'm lovin'

    it. maybe "just" heresy aren't enough. LOL

    then again, I really only have the area above the 67"(wide) Sony to work

    with, as besides the Corns in corner, I also need to fit a 2ft rack

    & Velo HGS-18 on the front wall of a lil over 14ft.

    maybe I just need to find a single inverted-horn/Cornwall center, or hell, just invert a Cornwall vertically.

    what kind of 67" TV you have? any magnetic interference

    problems? probably not if it's not a CRT (I hope).

    I have a B&K Ref 31 & Ref 7270 amp, so hookup should be no problem.

    thanks much!


  9. Haven't thought about it for awhile, but now I am. Since I

    can't find another C-7 to use for a rear surround anyway, I was

    thinkin' of movin' the current front center C-7 back to join its

    brothers, the KLF-30 & other C-7, surround & rear surround,


    I'd have to look into it, but don't think it'd be any problem mounting

    them upside-down/verticle on the wall directly behind the new

    Sony. I know the Heresy aren't shielded, but up high away from

    the guns of the floorstanding Sony RPTV should be fine.

    w/ Cornwalls, turned in at the corners, don't think it'd be too crowded

    soundwise, though I do have an only14ft wide wall, & only

    about 8ft left w/ the Sony included.

    imagine I'd just hook the heresy up in parallel to the B&K Ref

    7270. w/ 200W divided by 2, 100W continuous for each speak

    should be plenty.

    I haven't been around here for 5 years. do I need to post this on Technical or somewhere else? [:|]

  10. Mike, Hold the phone here. This MAY end up being a

    suggestion for YOU (since Heresy (not a C-7) are THE great timbre match

    for other Heritage), but...

    I started thinking, I'd now instead get a pair of Heresy &

    put them BOTH in for front center, verticle/inverted between the Corns

    on the14ft wide front wall above the new Sony. signal split 'em

    for some real center punch. they'd still have 100W continuous

    each to pump 'em.

    then I'd have my current front center C-7 to just move on back to

    join its brothers, the KLF-30 & other C-7, in the 4 surround


    so, do you want to keep that C-7, & sell me your heresy? you do have 2 heresy?

  11. Mike, what you really need for your center is a LaScala or

    Belle. you could break up your 2 Las & sell one

    to another for their center. I know, the mounting hassle.

    [:S] we probably talked about that 5 yrs ago.

    I'm pretty sure it is/was Steve P who did that inverted thang w/ a

    Heresy as center. I'll have to check his profile. or,

    Steve P, where are you?

  12. Keith: great to see you/hear from you! I was wondering where you

    were. talked by phone w/ Steve P & he confirmed to me that you

    were still around here. still have your email too. did you get my

    email on the '06 CES? just decided to include you on that as a

    shoutout. or has your email changed? it didn't come back anyway.

    you still in the used equipment market? as you have probably seen, I badly need another C-7 in black.


  13. Mike,

    what kind of TV you got? the problem may be that the heresy is

    NOT shielded, though neither were my KLF-30s & I put bucking mags

    on ALL the drivers, which solved the problem of them being too close to

    my old CRT. didn't even have to go to also shielding cups,

    thank goodness.

    thanks again, but wouldn't want to screw up that great system you have. hopefully not & we can do it.

    {edit} also just remembered/thought, the heresy horn is set up

    for verticle placement (I think), so you would/could

    place it vertically & upside down (the old Steve P way if I remember right) over the TV(?).

  14. Monty,

    Do ya like the rock & roll, & especially that solid resonance of the kick-drum?

    I have the older RF-3 & the KLF-30. the rf-3 are more refined, whereas the Legends are more loud & proud.

    I'd say the usual: listen side-by-side w/ your preferred material

    & let your ears decide, but given the Legends are long retired (the

    black C-7 I seek is nowhere to be found) that may not be an option for


    timbre-wise, the Legends more resemble the Heritage family. I

    have (or will once hooked up) the Legends mixed in w/ Cornwalls for my

    home theater. using the RF-3 as 2-channel in the more

    refined Great Room. [;)]

  15. btw, if I had even more room & $$$, this is the dream:

    Front: Klipschorns

    Center: Belle (or LaScala)

    Surround: Cornwalls

    Rear Surround: Heresy x2, mounted high on back wall (30 degrees off center axis each).

    we can all dream. LOL

    I'd keep the B&K. high current, smooth mosfet for Klipsch, & excellent, flexible bass mgmt.

  16. jeff, well I have a somewhat Heritage HT: front Cornwalls, center KLF-C7, surround KLF-30, rear surround KLF-C7 (one for now but I hope to find another black one for 7.1).

    will use B&K Reference 31(upgraded) & my "old" B&K Ref amp 7x200.

    I say will because I moved recently & have yet to get it all set-up. [:|]

  17. MIKE,

    what a coincidence. I too just reappeared after 5 years.

    you sure it's only been 3 for you? you know, as you get older, time goes faster because each year becomes a smaller % of your total age - yeah, I went to a Land Grant college w/ a bunch of engineers. [:D]

    great to see you again. how's that cloth for the Heresys holding out?

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