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Posts posted by pmsummer

  1. Production at Wixom of the Ford GT runs through September of 2006. They are still being made.

    With an MSRP of $155K, I'm sure dealers would love to sell get even

    more of them "of their books" for $200,000. In most cases, they are

    currently selling for above list.

  2. I first heard a McIntosh in 1973 at the same time I first heard a Klipsch, at Hillcrest Hi-Fi in Dallas. They sold lots of good stuff. I was there to buy a Sherwood reciever and a pair of Advents. But what I heard changed my mind. As a college student, I had a pretty limited budget. After hearing the Klipschorns paired with the high-end Macs, and the Heresys paired with the Mac 1900, I was hooked.

    I almost DOUBLED my budget, but left with only a McIntosh MA-6100 (to be paired with my temporary old single-driver Altecs salvaged from a motion-picture theater). A series of acoustic suspension "New England sound" speakers served the Mac well until I was finally able to pair the 6100 with the speakers I first auditioned it with: Cornwalls.

    To me, after thirty years of McIntosh low-level ownership, the sound of a Mac is the same as the sound of a Klipsch heritage: the sound of music.

  3. B000003CZG.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg

    Ceremonial Music for Trumpet and Symphonic Organ

    Rolf Smedvig and Michael Murray

    Telarc CD-80341

    If Alan Hovaness' "The Prayer of Saint Gregory" doesn't the hair stand

    up on top of your head, you are either soulless, or you need better





    DMZ CK90572

    Blues, jazz, soul, gospel, world.



    Gary Burton Quartet with Eberhard Weber

    ECM 1092

    Vibes and guitar and drums.


    Like Minds

    Gary Burton, Chick Corea, Pat Metheny, Roy Haynes, Dave Holland

    Concord 4803


    Care-charming Sleep

    The Dowland Project/John Potter

    ECM New 1803

    Renaissance and Baroque Songs and Madrigals for voice, chitarrone,

    baroque guitar, saxophone, bass clarinet, baroque violin, and



    Drunkard's Prayer

    Over the Rhine

    Back Porch/Virgin EMI 72438-66233-2-4

    Alt-Pop, acoustic, female voice, some electric.



    After Bathing at Baxter's

    Jefferson Airplane


    Muddy multi-track recording. Soaring vocals, guitars, snappy drumming,

    and an odd recorder thrown in to pair with one of the true virtuosos of

    the electric bass guitar. It's been my "reference" recording since 1968.

    I'm over the limit, I know.

  4. Heavenly Father,

    Thank you, Lord, for your servant Bob.

    Thank you for how he has shared his knowledge and enthusiasm with so

    many people. Thank you for Bob's humor, good-natured wit, and

    dedication to those of us who gather here.

    Dear Lord, please be with the doctors, techs, nurses, orderlies, and

    the administrative staff of the hospital that Bob is in. Guide them

    with your wisdom, as you are the source of all wisdom.

    Be with Bob's wife and son and all his family and friends. May they all

    know how much Bob loves them, and may Bob know how much they love him,

    for you are the source of all love, Lord.

    Send your Spirit to be with Bob, and to work with and guide the medical

    staff, and to work in the areas they can't reach or see, to restore Bob

    to full health, for you are the source of all health.

    And Lord, bring peace and comfort, your peace and comfort, to Bob as he

    lies in the hospital, for your are the source and supply of all peace,

    and of all comfort.

    Your will be done to the glory of your Son Jesus's name.


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