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  1. Well, took your suggestion and sound improved 100%. Moving the couch up helped put listener in the middle of the surrounds and angling them down seemed to help the dynamics so you couldn't tell where behind you the direction was coming from. It finally sounds like they are behind you and not just some speaker making the sound behind you. Very nice bro. Thanks!!!
  2. Never considered pulling the couch out about 2 feet. I could definitely give that a try and then if that works buy a sofa table to go behind it. I bet I could find something to angle them down a bit too so I can see how that works. Thanks! Two options I didn't think about.
  3. Hello, Having used these forums many times for suggestions from others, I keep coming back here for solid advice and would like to ask for some myself. My current situation is the placement of my S-3's as surrounds. I'm attaching a picture for you all to see and suggest how you would have them. I currently have them angled inwards, but not facing each other. As you can see, I have no walls on each side to put them up on since this is in the main living room area. Any tips, ideas, or advice would be greatly appreciated. I've ran out of them myself. We'd (meaning me and the wife) would like to avoid hanging them on the rear walls if at all possible. Thanks in advance!
  4. I'm with CECAA850 on this. You'll get the deep, punchful bass with what was suggested above. Keeps from the risk of bottoming out your sub too.
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