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Posts posted by NMR Guy

  1. I too was bitten by the LaScala bug after listening to a friend's pair for a quite awhile while I was over at his place. I wanted to spend about $800.00

    I waited,...and waited. Then he called me and told me he knew of a pair in MINT condition,..oiled birch. I went over to the guy's house to listen to them,...and saw the environment he kept them in. He was the original owner and I gladly paid him $1000.00 for them. I called "BEC" who sent me a brand new set of his AA Crossovers and I have NEVER looked back. No doubt the best HiFi purchase I have ever made.

    My advice? Get the cash ready and when you find the right pair, JUMP on them. They're a bargan even for the mega buck HiFi crowd.

    I have them in my main system consisting of a McIntosh C11 Tube preamplifier that Craig at NOS valves went through for me. (It's dead quiet at idle) Add a pair of Dynaco MkIII's, (with the original circuit) and I have found my version of HiFi heaven.

    I know about wanting to keep within one's budget, but when one thinks of what people pay for speakers costing twice or three times the price of a really nice pair of LaScalas, they are a true bargan.

    My two centavos,

  2. Thanks guys, I do appreciate the infofmation on the makers of interconnects. (I too have used BlueJeansCables.

    I am talking about using COAX verses regular Copper RCAs between amplifiers and pramplifiers and between preamplifiers and cd players.

    Note: As I mentioned I have some Blue Jeans Cables, and if you want the same or better quality at even cheaper prices TRY "Krystal Kable." Do a search and see how you can beat Blue Jeans Prices and get the same or better quality. (In my opinion)

    Thanks again,

    Comments on my questions?

  3. Hello All:

    I have my own opinions from my limited experience and from what I've read on this site and other internet forums.

    Which would be better for a interconnect between a tube amplifier and my tube preamplifier and why? (Digital coax or regular copper RCA)

    I have always heard that the interconnect between my preamplifier and a cd, (CD being digital of course) that one should use digital coax. Is this true and why? Does anyone have a converse opinion. Could you tell the difference if you just used regular copper RCA interconnect(s)?

    And of course the preamplifier to tuner interconnect. Regular copper RCA or a coax? Could one tell the difference between the two?

    Thanks as always,

  4. Hi Craig:

    I found the Manley Pre from a local guy here in Portland. I had a chance to try it in my system for a couple of days and I knew right away that I had to have the thing. (I was able to call manley and find out exactly when it was built and when it shipped from Manley. (There's a bit more to the story that I'll have to tell you next time I speak to you on the land line)

    I was very disappointed that Mark from Juicy didn't have anything in my price range, but in this case it really worked out in my favor.

    It will take a month or so to recover given my modest means but I am still looking for an older Conrad Johnson tube pre for my bedroom system. (prehaps a PV2, PV2A, PV3, or PV4)

    It's great to be back.


  5. When you move to a different conductor type there is definitely a difference in the sound. The people who say there isn't are those who haven't bothered to compare.

    Thanks Dean. That's exactly the way I feel. I think most people just go by what others say without giving them a try on their own.

    It's simple. I find some high quality copper (usually expensive IT strands/core cable) strip it out of its plastic dielectric, go to great lenghts to clean (proprietory process) the strand then feed it through good quality teflon tubing and solder the ends with Cardas quad solder, making sure the ends are sealed with heat shrink and not open to air contact. That's my cable pictured. I find the less strands of copper (using single core) the better and more 'free' the sound becomes. The sound of the 'room' in alot of recordings becomes very noticeable as do some of the minute details that tend to get lost with multistranded cable and cable that is 'over shielded'. As you notice this cable is not shielded and I believe that is one of its strengths. I have done lots more experiments but I won't bore you any more. Hope this helps.

    Say consistant, that sounds an awful lot like the Magwire Nakeds I use. Those are by far the best sounding and least expensive ICs I have ever used and I don't plan on ever changing them out. They are two single core conductors made of magnet wire.

    Here's a pic of mine...

    Hey Chops:

    I've constructed many pairs of speaker and power cables but only one pair of interconnects. (I made mine out of some nice coax cable and I love them) They were a pain in the patoot to construct out of coax,....Where does a guy get magnet wire? Let me know about the specifics in terms of gage etc.


  6. Hello All:

    I thought I'd use some of the spare gear I have to put together a system for my girlfriend. I have a line of a pair of KG2's that are in very good condition. I briefly listened to them to see if they worked but I had no time or space for a listening session.

    The guy wants $225- for them. How do these speakers rate by those who have owned a pair. I'll be pairing them up with a little NAD 35 watt integrated.


    Thanks as always,

  7. Hello All:

    I'm back, not as 126mhz but as NMR Guy. I have no idea why I was never able to sign back into my account after the upgrade, even with the help of the board administrator and others at Klipsch. I think it had something to do with the new software not accepting any screen names that begin with numbers. (that's my theory anyway)

    For the past few day I have been listening to my new Manley "Shrimp" Preamplifer in a couple of my systems and I love it. I'm going to do my best to give a review after I've had it in one of my two main systems for a month or so.

    I will say up front that Manley's attitude towards their customers is as good as any I've ever witnessed. These people really know how to treat others.Manley Shrimp Review

    Take a look at their web site, they have quite a sense of humor.Manley Labs Website


    P.S. Could someone please give me instructions on how to install an avitar in my new sign in for the forums?

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