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Everything posted by GWSmith

  1. Hi Fini.. Thanks for the comment, I am still in a bit of a fog as to how to clean the horn grill were the actual cutout is.. There is a little bit of a stain there. I put oxy clean on a rag and rubbed gently and it really didn't seem to do much, this after vacuuming as well.. Maybe just leave them as they are I guess. Ok, the caps were around $60 I believe with shipping. Yeah, I hope to try them today or tomorrow, its only a matter of a few hours away now [] I hope I like them, they will be part of a `vintage' system with some old quad gear I bought new around 1974... All set up in a large music room with instruments etc. The dedicated theater is another room and major project about to begin. This however involves my plans with my contractor to remove slide door closet to `square up' the room. The plans are made and it is to look like an old Victorian theater. Sorry, no room for an entry foyer or popcorn machine with this one[] More here soon! .Gary
  2. Hi there gang. Ok, the latest is, the K'Horns are back together, the wood is well oiled and looks wonderful!! I will post the photos of the project and where it sits right now. Its only a matter of hours before I hook up an amp and hear them for the FIRST time! Stay tuned! ..........Gary
  3. Hey there Fini... Well, the CONSOLE is what you see, and this is what it looks like in CONCERT mode. Otherwise, there is a movable wall that matches the decor of the interior, complete with pillars attached, so the console and organist would be hidden. Many churches have consoles that roll about on platforms (we build them), and usually they are off to one side or another up front. However, if there is a music event, ie concert, the console gets rolled out front and center so the audience CAN see the artist at work [] Anyway, thanks for the`cool' job comment. I have been there over 18 years now, and its very busy for us, with some great contracts taking us over the next two years or so.. Keep checking, and don't forget to look at my K'Horn photos... The finish on the wood looks fabulous! Now, I need to hook them up and hear what these really sound like, especially with the updated model `A` xovers ... As many know, these were willed to me by a good friend, and I have never heard them play. They sat out in storage in the garage here at the new house, and just this past week I was able to move them into the music room and begin the work as seen in all those photos. There are many more from today, so do check it out if you have a moment. Regards, Gary
  4. Here is the interior of the `Greek Rival' chapel showing the console front and center. The speaker for it is just high enough out of the shot but behind the chandelier... The organ is in the ceiling BEYOND the four pillars and overhead in there. ( the Zinc facade you see on the wall under there is all FALSE and for looks only!) You can see why the sound of the organ is very muted by this unusual positioning. And THATS why they put the whole thing through an amp and speaker. [] All for now. I have work later to catchup on my K'Horns and more photos for all of you who are interested in that project. ......Gary
  5. I thought I would send a couple of photos relating to the location of the Mark III's []
  6. Thanks for the encouragement everyone on this Dynaco thing.. Here is what I am thinking. Both my good friend Chris and I discussed what these amps - preamp - REVERB unit were for, and we believe it was part of amplifying the PIPE ORGAN!! You see, the large 3 manual Skinner organ is in the ATTIC !!! It speaks through grills in the ceiling up in the front of the chapel OVER the choir area. Because of this, it is not loud enough to lead in singing etc.. So, there is now CROWN boundry mics mounted on plywood over the pipework in the chambers (3 channels!) and modern amps in a rack in the sanctuary and a single large cabinet hanging from the ceiling. So, if this in fact is part of the organ, that will make for another angle at acquiring them.. Its part of an old scheme they had and just lay there for YEARS to collect attic dirt. Most likely, they have been LONG forgotten... Again, this seems to make the most since. I doubt there is anyone at the college that would even know about this stuff anyway... What do you think ??? It will be hard for me to get in there to have another peak unless we are on official business with our organ company. We SHOULD be back there to tune the instrument for the holiday season sometime in December or early Nov. and then I can at least get some photos for you all. Later my friends... .......Gary
  7. Thank you DFLIP. I enjoyed the read... Not sure what I am getting into here. I was hoping that a pair of stock MK III's would be ok if they work and are possibly re-tubed??? I had planned on just using my vintage Marrantz 4140 in the 25watt per channel mode with the K'Horns. This would let me listen to my 4-channel recordings once again that I have not heard in years ) Well, we'll see what comes of that dusty stack of Mark III's Regards, Gary
  8. Ok, this is where I am at as of this date and time. Bass modules are on their backs, cleaned and ready for touch up of some small nicks etc, then hand rubbed oiling should do it. The next photos over the Labor Day weekend should show the final assembly and placement. For the camera buffs, I am using a new Canon XTI (or 400D if in the UK) with the kit lens, running manual mode with auto focus with and without flash. Reducing the image from around 3 meg per. to about 180K as you may have found out by now [] Stay posted, more to come! Regards, Gary PS. Enjoy your holiday
  9. Here are all the components, cleaned and ready for the next step of veneer touch up and final finishing...
  10. Side `filler' grills are cleaned-dried and ready to be installed...
  11. You gotta love the quality of wood materials used. I'm not sure if the 60th anniversary models are made like this. Maybe MDF ? or are they using this kind of ply core still ?
  12. Washing the beautiful bass module veneer! This pair has such a nice pattern - a first rate job on behalf of the crew who built them! []
  13. Yeah, I even washed all the original white `zip' cord.... Many would have probably changed this out ??
  14. I could NOT believe how LOOSE all this hardware was, and I'm glad I went through each and every screw, nut and bolt !
  15. K-55-V drivers are cleaned and ready to re-mount....
  16. This one shows the cleaned horn assembly vs. the next one to be started on... Quite a difference don't you think ?
  17. This one shows the start of cleaning the Horn... I used warm water and an old sock.
  18. To brighten a bit, I then went to this product. I think it worked just a little. It seems the original color of these grills was a bit of an `off' white.. Well, I did the best with what I had to work with... Let me know if you did like I did here and went WAY beyond the vacuum cleaner! []
  19. Here is a photo of my method of cleaning... Full garden hose to rinse, then drying cloth on the wood brackets..
  20. NEW PHOTOS ARE UP.............Please have a look at the latest from this weeks work through this evenings adventures [] Send your thoughts, comments if you approve, have done it differently etc. Right now, I am in the finishing stages, which means that I will now begin work on touching up the cabinets with stain and then oiling them. I was going to use the 50/50 mix of turpentine and raw linseed oil rubbed on with `0000' gauge steel wool, but that may not be necessary here, as there are no deep scratches, and the stains on the top of the horn module are from watering of plants over many years. [*-)] OK, I am about to start uploading. .....Gary
  21. Klipschfoot! You are TOO funny ![] Ok, I'll leave the boss out of it and work on another means.... hmmmmmm. Keep you posted .....Gary
  22. OK, thanks for the positive suggestions on the Mark III's.................. Shall I be a glutton and take the stereo preamp with all FIVE amps ?? [6] All right, I will see what must be done to start my connection with these. I could have got photos TODAY while there, but I just didn't think much about them. There is an alarm in the church tower which is monitored by campus police. We MUST have that turned off before we begin our work there each time. Knowing these people would be a good start, OR, I could just talk to my boss who knows the officials there too... Time for dinner.............Don't forget, CHECK OUT my newest photos I will be uploading tonight in the '68 K'Horn restoration.. ...Gary
  23. Thanks Mike, I will take a look per your suggestion.... .Gary
  24. Hi there. Gary here from the '68 K'horn restoration project... While working on the pipeorgan at a local college chapel, I decided to study more closely an old dusty stack of FIVE Dynakit Mark III amps and a stereo preamp along with a REVERB unit which I have to walk by on the way to the chamber... The Mark III is small but VERY heavy and has a tag under the output screws that says `60 watts output'.... Wondering if I should ask the college if they would part with this stuff, which has been in the attic for OVER 18 years that I have been servicing that instrument. Appreciate any info on these.... Regards, Gary
  25. Hello friends of the Klipschorn! Just wanted you to know, that I was busy last night CLEANING the interior of the horn/tweeter cabinet (with warm water - rags and a drying cloth) taking before and after photos. I didn't realize that the lower wood surface which the xover sits on is a fine veneer! I also cleaned the OEM wiring up which pretty loaded with dust and other debris .. The grills have all been cleaned and dried and look much better. Soon the re-assembly and sprucing up of all the finished wood exterior, followed by a final photo shoot, setup - hookup - and FIRST LISTEN!! Can't wait. Again, check back often to see how its going. ..........Gary
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