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im the man

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Everything posted by im the man

  1. Cool now all you need is a Krell MRS at 400lbs., and a Genelec HTS6 weighing in at 265. Once you get these two as well you'll have everything! Oh ya and you'll need a Submersive too, the specs on this Sub look impressive. I think the Submersive and F113 would go head to head. Once you have all these you will have all my dream subs top 5 list. Without having heard and only owning one out of the six of them, these rating are purely speculation, based on specs and some other reviews of these sub, I would say this probabley would be the order they would finish in. 1. Krell MRS 2. Gotham 3. DTS-20 4. Genelec HTS6 5. Tie F113 with the Submersive: The F113 beating in sound quality, tightness etc., but the Submersive beating it in SPL and extending lower. Please TheEAR hurry up and get all these so I won't have to speculate any longer!!!!
  2. Thanks guys for all the help. After reading rave reviews about the F113, especially on AV forum, I had to get it. As of today I officially have a F113 in one corner and SVS plus/2 in the other corner. Im no EAR but I feel Im finally in BASS Nirvana. I had about 30 minutes to listen to it and I LOVE it so far. I will post later with more of my thoughts on my new toy.
  3. Hi, guys im new to posting here. I have read these forums for quite some time but have never posted. Anyhow I need some advice, especially from the pro, TheEAR! Anyhow I have an SVS PB 12plus/2 and a RSW 15 Klipsch mated with it. Im gonna upgrade and get rid of the RSW 15 to mate with my SVS. Here are the ones Im choosing from: HSU vtf-3ho turbo, SVS PB 12 Ultra/2 or JL Audio Fathom F113. Price is not an object between the THREE of these that is! I just want the best one to mate with PB/2 SVS. Why would one be better than the other? Thanks guys for all your help. Heres the rest of my system if this will help: Klipsch RF-7's, RC-7's, and RC-25 I think, the old Flagship series. pre amp outlaw 950, rotel 1095, and monster hts 5100 power conditioner, and Marantz DVD 7600, SVS PB 12/plus 2.
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