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    Southeastern Massachusetts

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  1. I've got a working Parasound HCA800-II that I'd like to trade for a reasonable vintage SS integrated tuner/amp. 80s-90s digital tuner / display is fine, I don't care about the silverface era as long as the tuner is reasonably selective and the chassis is reasonably compact: This is for desktop duty in my home office. The 800-II is in very good condition, and will be re-tested before any trade hookup (it's been in storage for about 2 years, and was in rotational use prior to that.) I'm hoping for something from NAD, NIKKO, Marantz, HH Scott, etc.
  2. My first thought was KV3 but now I doubt it. Anyone recognize this one? Looking at this center locally for a budget HT build.
  3. It is. As are the KG2s. I’ll try to update the OP
  4. Ok by me. Pick the time I’ll pick the zip code b
  5. Both have been claimed. If either taker falls thru I’ll re-open this thread. Walnut KG2s, veneer in fair/good condition, missing one tweeter voice coil. Grills and badges intact. Pick up in 02050, 02370, or 02021 also have a K701 horn and driver if anyone wants it.
  6. Adding a 'Sold' note to the end of this tread, given the thread age and funny editing in the OP (which I can't fix, for some reason.) Sold to Charlie Hustle. Enjoy!
  7. Last bump for interest, otherwise I'll part these out and dispose of the carcasses.
  8. Tomorrow! But, I don't think the Tangents will fit in my carry on bag! 😛
  9. Bumpage - I'll part these out if I am forced to. Have dumpster, will travel!
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