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Everything posted by TimFromMass

  1. Thanks a lot for the feedback. Have you heard these as well? What were your opinions on these compared to the original Klipsch version? I have one corner that should actually be aligned perfect, the left side wouldn't be in a corner though. How much of a problem will that be? -tim
  2. Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to start researching this. Although with my luck someone will scoop them up before I make up my mind. From what I read in that other thread it seems these have excellent drivers, but the x-over is of a lower quality than the original. Could a Klipsch x-over be used in these speakers, or are the design differences too great? I intend on going with active x-overs at some point, but I'm not ready yet, so if possible I would think about putting an entry level Klipsch x-over in these. Thanks again for the heads up, I'll be in touch -tim
  3. Hi there, I'm new to this vintage speakers thing, but I'm really interested in purchasing a pair of La Scalas. I'm having trouble with a local guy from Craig's list as documented in another thread, and I'm coming up dry on e-bay and audiogon for anything around here. A couple of descent pairs in the mid west just went for $760-$830 on e-bay, but shipping would be a nightmare. I'm looking for anyone in the New England area who is looking to sell, preferably black, in a reasonable price. I've already received some very helpful advice from people on this forum, so I look forward to more good experiences in the future. Thanks in advance for any help. -tim
  4. -Update- I e-mailed the seller again last night telling him that I had the next two days off and could arrange transportation to get the speakers both days. I said my offer of $600 cash stands, and sited two examples of LaScalas that recently sold else where in the country on e-bay for within $80 of his asking price that were either in mint condition or close to. No refinishing necessary. He is still declining! A. He still thinks that Gigbyt is going to bite at his $750 price if he can sell his Heresies. B. He is convinced you can remove his extra paint with "paint thinner and a cloth" then plug the brad nails, and have these things ready to use in a home with "less than a days work". I explained to him a few of the things that would be necessary to make them fit for a home environment, and simply asked him how long he was wiling to sit the speakers. Geez. The frustrating thing is that he isn't just declining the $600 offer, but sticking to the $750 price hard. He hasn't even counter offered at $675 or anything, I mean I would probably say yes to $650 if they were in good working order. -tm
  5. Yeah I'm new to all this, but based on what I've been seeing across the country and on e-bay He does seem to be asking a little much. Especially since he painted them blue with all kinds of exterior mods that need to be removed. I'm pretty sure $600 is a fair price. Does anyone have any answers to my questions on x-over replacement cost, how to check (what to look for) in correct drivers, and if the raw birch means it wasn't finished with a laminate of gloss finish? Thanks for any help anyone can give to this Classic Klipsch newbie -tim
  6. Well I e-mailed the guy this morning, told him that if he agreed to $600 that I would drive up this morning and if they tested out OK I would I would drive away with them. He turned me down, saying he thinks that $750 price is something that someone will bite on sooner or later. I told him I would contact him next week to see if he's willing to negotiate. -tim
  7. And again not to ask so many questions, but everyone here seems so helpful, if these were originally "raw birch" that means there was no extra finish on them? Meaning if I did want to repaint these I wouldn't have to sand anything away except for the blue paint he used and not any laminate or anything else, correct? -tim
  8. Also, if checking to make sure these are the correct woofers, what exactly should I be looking for? -tim
  9. $600 is what I was going to offer him, maybe I should make it a point to check these out tomorrow. How much would it cost to replace the x-overs in a speaker like this? -tim
  10. I am also a little concerned, especially because I've e-mailed him twice since you've been there and he still claims ignorance about the serial #s. The only thing you have said that really concerns me about the speakers is possible bad wiring or x-over though. I don't have anywhere near enough experience with old speakers to assess whether or not the x-over or wires need replacing. If I do end up liking them I plan to replace the x-over with an active one, but that could be a little bit and I don't want to have to get another passive x-over in the interim. Anyone have any insight on that kind of thing? Thanks! -tim
  11. Hi all, I'm new here. I have been searching for a pair of LaScalas to try out, as I'm thinking about getting into this vintage Klipsch speaker thing. There seams to be some real value here. Interestingly enough I started my search on Craig's list and found these. I also asked him if he could do $600, and he turned me down as well. He did reference (I now know) your bid though, Gigbyte. He has been very vague with descriptions so far, and I wasn't wild about the blue idea either. I thought about painting them a gloss black though, which I don't think would be too hard. A few questions for anyone who is nice enough to answer them. Since I'm new to this, how is a 1975 model? What upgrades would be necessary if any? I don't want to get into hard core restoring anything yet (toying with active x-over in the future but not now), having seen them, Gigbyte, what would it take to make these things look ok? Is that metal edging or wheels coming off, or are those on there now that he's done it? I might go see these tomorrow, but I don't want to get in too deep with my first pair. I'd love to be able to just do a little exterior restoration and maybe some painting. Am I barking up the wrong tree with this set? thanks in advance for any advice -tim
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