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Scott Frazier

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  1. Nice! How's the live music scene out there? Our summer concert schedule is getting fired up now, July will be awesome. Got a website with some buddha samples? Here's mine; www.therockafellers.com
  2. The Bogner is a vintage 2005..[].I got it with a Shiva el-34 head and currently pair it with the Bogner 2-12 cab. Supreme rock guitar amp....
  3. Here's the control room that I am resurrecting....
  4. Here's junior waiting for the Laurel and Hardy premier....
  5. Greetings! So... I bought this house in Seattle and found these speakers built into the built into the 1960's era 16 MM movie theatre, complete with movie library and a few other Frazier speakers and turntables and a HUGE volume of records. I had no idea what they were until I located this thread here in the Klipsch forum. Dixielanders! I missed the chance to corral the Mac 4100 that drove the system for 30 years so I am currently ressurecting some old HH Scott tube tuner/tube amp equipment that was buried in the closets. The speakers work fine but I haven't settled into a good system to drive them yet. They don't need much power, the movie projector runs them without any help at all. I will post more as I get time to listen to them a bit more...
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