So, Epilogue to the Galveston trip.
Turns out my DP, Darren Mercer, was holding out on me. He is an RN, MD candidate, licensed pilot, and former driver at thee 67 Speedway. Might have needed all three last night except for the Grace of God...who sent Darren to keep me alive.
So, close to midnight we are headed north towards TXK and just south of Fouke on I-49. He's been driving us around since we left TXK on Friday as he was ecstatic about the car. I was worn out and decided to take a nap. He, like many, had decided I just didn't know how to drive and was delusional about the car trying to kill me on Supercruise. So, he engaged it at 80mph. A short time later I found myself being thrown from side to side in the car and the world spinning. After what seemed an eternity it stopped and Darren looked at me and said "It just tried to kill us and damn near did."
I thank a merciful God for saving us and sending me Darren to ensure I not only survived but will be endowed to take care of His people. Orr will be picking me up very shortly to start the process.
I strongly suggest that if you own a GM car, DO NOT engage Supercruise or adaptive cruise.