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avguytx last won the day on January 22 2019

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About avguytx

  • Birthday 10/14/1966

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    Central AR
  • Interests
    Woodworking, building furniture, audio, yard work, listening to music, IT networking, computer stuff

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  1. It'll be 17 years for me this coming December and 4200 real posts and not crap pics/videos/etc just to up the numbers. lol. Enjoyed it here for many years. Hard to type right now; had carpal tunnel surgery on left wrist yesterday.
  2. Ones personal value does not always equate as the same for a potential buyer. May be a slow to no selling . Great speakers, though. Why sell if they mean that much.
  3. I have a neighbor, literally in my neighborhood 1/4 mile away, selling a pair of Belle's for $3k. Also owns Klipschorns but he's keeping those. Not interested in them as I had a set I built but traded them for 2 pairs of Epic CF-3's a few years back. Just never had anyone list something like those co close to me. lol
  4. Offers. Like an auction? Did you put them on ebay? They like to make offers there.
  5. @ray2001 If you do, just replace the diaphragms as a pair. $20 each isn't bad. https://www.simplyspeakers.com/klipsch-replacement-speaker-diaphragm-k75-d-417.html
  6. Oddly enough, these speakers are literally a quarter mile away from me but no affiliation. (they are new people in the neighborhood) Oiled Oak 1990 Belle's and sequential s/n's. https://www.facebook.com/share/A1zuNEtg1RNDiY8U/
  7. Yeah, anytime a shipping place like that is used, the shipping price goes up exponentially.
  8. Also pretty sure he just tried to copy the entire ad from wherever thinking it would add his images...but doesn't work that way. Maybe mods can fix it.
  9. I'm sure it was a copy/paste from another website or four then joined here to list. I never can read these ads on a dark theme and have to switch. An idea for when you copy from one site; when you paste on another site, choose the "paste as plain text" option.
  10. Maybe you need to fix the title if you're fishing for a different opinion, then. Buy them all and keep the ones that sound best to you in your own room with your own equipment. There's many more factors involved.
  11. I sold the Chorus II's years ago because they were the "lesser" to me, personally. To each their own. Have you ever owned any CF-3's or 4's? Maybe if you did, you'd never look back, either.
  12. Chorus II's are a pretty large speaker and do sound quite nice. Bad part for me personally is that they have a rear passive so they will be a little more picky about placement into the room for the passive. The better of the CF you mentioned would be the CF-3's, for comparison, as they have dual 10" woofers. I've owned all 3 iterations of the CF-3's, and currently own the version 1's, but all 3 sound great to me. Main problem will be replacement parts which are rare. But personally, I prefer the CF-3 or CF-4 over the Chorus or Chorus II any day.
  13. Man, I wish you were closer. I'd buy those Eliptrac's from you. I wish it wasn't such a pain for shipping....but I get it.
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