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    Fairfax County, VA

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  1. Update. It looks like shipping on the East Coast for the tweeters will be around $40, if anyone is interested.
  2. Yeah.... shipping is crazy. I took one horn to my nearby UPS and FedEx stores to get a quote. I couldn't figure it out on their website. Shipping to Texas and California was $170 and $210, which included about $30 for boxing one horn. That just about doubles the cost. At that price you may as well get your own kit and pay a carpenter to build them. I'll hold on for local buyers, or maybe eventually use them for a custom build.
  3. I put these LMAHL V2 tweeters on top of my vintage La Scalas, and they completely outclassed my mid and bass horns. I surrender. I cannot build a better La Scala; I need to just buy the AL5/6. For the Eliptrac 400 horns, I decided not to reconstruct my vintage La Scalas to accomodate them. I also have the plastic 1.5 inch adapters if you'd like them. Again, the only solution is the AL5/6. All four pieces are $500, or you can take one pair for $250, two tweeters or two horns. I really do not feel like boxing these up and shipping them, so I'll try to sell them locally first.
  4. The fluctuating voltage in my apartment was pretty awful, but a voltage regulator really helped. Now it stays between 123 and 124 volts. The audio is much happier now. I'm using this regulator, built with recording studios in mind, but it works just fine in my system. https://www.blacklionaudio.com/store/power-conditioners/pg-2r-power-conditioner/
  5. I'm on track to get streaming up to CD quality. It can be done, but it'll cost a bit more. DSD files are currently the audio boss around here.
  6. Never said they did. At least the Cat8s are doing something right. They just sound better for my router, modem and streamer. Are you using the #14 Romex for your digital setup?
  7. Based on my experience, the cables will definitely make a difference. For the 20amp vs 15amp upgrade, your system definitely wants the 20, so that should be an improvement as well. I'm using the Volti crossovers. They give my vintage La Scalas a more natural, open sound. I also twisted four strands of 14awg solid copper wire, and used them for my crossover to driver connections. Kember Kable has a similar design. That definitely upped the current, giving me more presence, detail and volume, and a much quieter background. Changing out my Cat8 cables for solid core Cat8 cables also yielded a night and day difference. I've seen the audiophile Cat8 cables, but the usual fat yellow cables work fine so far. I may try the audiophile versions later.
  8. Yes, the bottoms were bare wood. It was easier to slide them across the carpet that way.
  9. I had new risers built for my Chorus IIs. Solid pine shaped like the modern floating Forte risers. I screwed them onto the bottoms, and they looked much better. However, the big surprise was the sonic improvement. The pine risers tightened up the bass very nicely, giving the bass more of a sealed woofer sound.
  10. Confirmed. What a difference three years makes.
  11. Nice! I have the same models. They were pretty beat by the previous owner, and I took off the stapled grills. So many experiments, so little time. Here's a link to my journey.
  12. Yes, I do understand. It's quite normal to decry thicker cables giving a little more current and sonic improvement to a speaker. It's also quite normal for the DIY crowd to find out that it's quite true, and definitely worth the time to try it.
  13. I also used 10 awg copper wires for the crossover/driver connections. It's a very nice and balanced sound. It sounds just like turning the gain up three steps or so on an analog mixer.
  14. Your project will definitely be fun. I started with a vintage Heresy pair, then Chorus IIs, and now vintage La Scalas. Learning is fun.
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