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Posts posted by Max2

  1. 52 minutes ago, jjptkd said:



    When this whole thing started an old friend of mine was posting feverishly on FB how the Governor needed to shut down all construction work NOW! as he was working on a job that was deemed "essential" at the airport and never missed a beat. He was posting multiple times a day sharing petitions going to the extreme to try and force the government to enforce a complete shutdown and I just couldn't believe it, practically begging for government control of other peoples lives. I told him the same thing if YOU feel at risk or might be putting someone in your family at risk then just stay home its that simple but don't try and use government to force others to do so sickening in my view.

    The media and hysteria got to him. And in all fairness, many of the US orgs got it wrong. But I guess better safe than sorry, right?


    What the media does


    Its like one media outlet praising New Zealand for "eliminating" the virus, which is a great thing and I dont want to undercut their success, but they didn't point out its an island with roughly 20% less citizens than Houston, TX and is geographically the most isolated nation on the planet. Also, the  population density there is less than 20% of the most underpopulated US states. There is 48 people per square mile. San Diego has 3700 peeps per square mile.   You can arrange facts, overlook elementary data  and skew any anyone's emotional response........but when you add a little bit of fear, people eat it like candy.  I hope everyone now knows that many of these big watchdog outfits aren't our friend, they say what is convenient and is in tune with their objective.



    Now, lets talk about the Illinois fiasco that has been ready to bust for around a decade now

  2. He never missed a shot with a camera. He gone.  Im pretty sure China will be gunning for a say where they go from here on all aspects or make a true powerplay.    S Korea too jittery to say anything but, " Kim is fine, all is well down here."


    So Kobe passes.

    Corona shows up canceling the entire schedule of the earth.

    Now the leader of NK is all but confirmed gone


    Whats next?

  3. 1 hour ago, BigStewMan said:

    I didn’t vote for Trump or Hillary. I am learning that many have a different idea of what a president should be than i do.  Now, i’m still in my 50s but have been around the block a few times and i’ve NEVER looked to any president as my moral compass, i’ve never looked to any president for sympathy. Maybe it’s the way i grew up that i’ve always held people with a large degree of suspicion. 

    I spent a career in a crisis response organization and the white house is not a first responder and rightfully so. 

    i hope the presidents will be moral and empathetic sure; but when i did vote, i wasn’t voting for a spiritual advisor or a friend -- provide law & order, protect me from foreign invasion and let the states govern themselves to the fullest extent possible -- do those things and i’ll probably say you did your job. 



    That was pretty well said.

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  4. 1 minute ago, dtel said:

    Yes the plants do like it, I even read somewhere metal tomato stakes have an affect on the plants. They said it had something to do with static electricity, If I remember that correctly.


    I love to be on the porch during thunderstorms, we did that about a week ago and there was lightning about every couple of seconds. It was so often i turned off the porch and front of the house lights which made it much easier to watch the lightning flashes. After about 10 minutes the wife got up and went inside, the lightning was close and without the lights on was quite a bit more dramatic,  which she was not so happy about. It was cool. 


    They say when a thunderstorm is heading your way or off in a distance and it seems like you can smell the rain your really smelling the Ozone.


    Oh its entertainment around here for many and I too love a good Storm. However, I dont want that giant drill bit from the sky to drop down on me. I have a shelter at my office, but I will be hiding under the stairs at my home.  Interesting tidbit you mentioned on steel stakes.  I was planning on transferring peppers and squash this weekend, but may be too wet after this.

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  5. 1 minute ago, pzannucci said:

    Just what the doctor ordered to take your mind off stuff.

    Pfff.   The mental wrath of home schooling a 6 year old and trying to keep him away from Ipad is worse.  Teachers and obviously all health care workers are shamefully overlooked these days, hopefully that will change after this.    Hair people too!  Im damn close to going full GI Joe soon with my Dog clippers.

    • Like 4
  6. 11 minutes ago, dtel said:

    Also you can sit on your porch during a lightning storm and suck up some ozone. Try to avoid the actually lightning even if it is a surefire way to kill any virus. :lol:

    Oh yeah, the Garden and grass like it too!   Come to think of it, I think we have a good ripper coming in later tonight.  May have to designate it a Bourbon night so I can stay up. Big wind and possible Tornado's for us southern crowd

    • Thanks 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Woofers and Tweeters said:

    China, Russia and Iran are claiming that. If it were true, the death rate would have shown it. 

    But what if they were linking those along with a Flu strain?  My 6yr old son tested negative from Flu last fall, but they said he likely had the flu and they were seeing negative's with other kids although with all the flu like symptoms. He had a cough that literally lasted for a couple months.   A lady I work with had the same cough that I have never heard her have in the 12 years we have worked side by side. She went to Doc twice and they said she had bronchitis upon her second visit.


    I not trying to throw spaghetti against a wall here, but what does anyone really know at this point?   Now they're saying practically all the NY deaths involved underlying conditions and possibly 25% on NY population has antibodies from already having it.

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  8. 4 hours ago, dwilawyer said:

    Maybe I misread this, no vaccine but Zpac cocktail that will reduce death rate if you have it?


    That certainly is possible, they will know what really works, what doesn't by then.

    Exactly from what I have read.  The most severe cases are taking the huge lung complication from the virus and are then hindered by a secondary bacteria pneumonia infection that is literally dooming for the worst cases. It does however say that the Z-pak, chloroquine combo has shown some positive results. Which any good news is great news right now. I hope you're right on the vaccine and I certainly hope they have a more positive result than we have had with the flu vaccine for the past 50 years or so. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, dwilawyer said:

    Too bad antibiotics don't work against any virus. What they do, when indiscriminately dispensed, is build up a whole new set of resistant bacteria pathogens. That is a medical fundamental.


    Liked the rest of your post.

    Its one part of knocking the fever down, pretty well documented at this point. I haven't read where anyone here has mentioned a virus cure with an antibiotic

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  10. 2 hours ago, KlipschFish said:

    Simple, really. And I do mean simple, really. Wa state had projections that would facilitate the need for extra beds. The curve was initially very steep. But (IMO) the state had an early social distance and then a stay at home order. Remember this was ground zero in the U.S. It could've gone waay bad (again, that is a conjecture because we really know very little and I don't think I'm Nostrodamus like some on this board do, by making predictions.) I don't give two shakes of a rats *** how you or anyone else feels about any state's governors orders. We see that it was effective here.  And thus... no need for the extra facility. And as that was made apparent, the state sent the hospital to where it was needed more. Smart people plan for the unexpected as well as they can.

    Wow. Im quite unaware of what your Governor's orders are assuming that was directed at me.  Im guessing you're a WA resident due to your response from the temporary hospital that was unused. Im am glad to hear there are smart people up there planning. We need more planning

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

    You are ignoring what covid19 has done in our health care systems. Whether the overall infection rates turn out to be higher or lower they were severe and rapid enough to overflow our existing network of hospitals. So not only did covid19 kill patients directly it also killed the injured and sick unable to access care due to overcrowding. Further covid19 exposed our healthcare workers to a concentrated pool of the infected which infected them which further hamstrung available care by limiting providers. So it may not come down to the lethality of the disease but to its unrivaled contagiousness. You see what occurs when less aggressive action is utilized. At least in this instance the general public isolation measures employed were necessary.

    Perhaps future episodes of this same virus will have different scenarios thanks to what we learn and develop from this one. But for the time being erring on the side of caution is the best approach. All of those who’ve died enjoyed a wonderful Christmas just a few months ago. None had any inkling of their fateful future. Too many took too many chances and paid a severe price. Too many of their friends got infected and survived but unwittingly infected the vulnerable. Their recklessness killed their friends and family and countless strangers.


    We will learn and gain. I do hope we do not forget.

    I agree, it is no joke. It should really make people take a long look at the downfalls of living in highly populated areas.  The US is capable of building or using existing structures as emergency Hospitals. We can pay off time Dr.s in stand by situations, but not for decades, just more money spent that will be used as political leverage for an election and it will likely come anyway from the vast fear.              I am curious as to why Seattle's Army medical facility at Century Link Field was set up and then closed without one patient being treated?

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  12. 8 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

    It was ignored, or disregarded.  But it was there.

    Just think if we could have shut our borders down a week or two earlier or if China would have restricted all its Italian shop owners from jumping the home ship like Rats and infecting the the elderly population that dominates by numbers in Italy. woulda, shoulda, coulda.   We had better learn from this.  All the bleeding hearts in this country using political correctness and other obtuse forms of social and racial obstruction cry's to fulfill their personal objection are just hurting us, but by far, the media does the most damage. Its like someone in Congress laughing at at Oil hitting zero and not having the cognitive ability to understand where we are financially and what really happens when the pile hits the fan. No they have to be explained what curtails about their everyday life like  groceries getting delivered to the store or medicine getting carried by a courier or basically anything that makes this world go around.


    Why is common sense not so common anymore?

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  13. 1 minute ago, oldtimer said:

    It was ignored, or disregarded.  But it was there.

    One of the few that was shouting was Tom Cotton. He was in the desert a few tours and certainly doesnt wear Rose colored glasses, at least about situations like this.

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  14. We will add the Covid 19 to the list of the flu season for us and the rest of the world.  We will get a fortified Zpak type drug that will save lives, but not likely a vaccine. In time we will be desensitized to it once the number show how many have it and the much smaller death ratio, unless it mutates rapidly in several variants which will create another tail spin.  Once testing is avail for all, the numbers will reveal that we endangered our own democracy and the US economic backbone over a new respiratory strain that is highly contagious. I dont want to sound like I am personally diluting this epidermic and the deaths involved, as it is as horrible as any other in the past. 


    We just got a taste of what Africa deals with basically around the clock, we just got a dose of what Democracy and true Freedom is like losing.  We need to organize and pay attention of what just happened and how easily ANY rogue nation can do this to us. Where was our "higher than though" intell info that we should have from the far East? All our operatives world wide couldnt see this coming?


    Strongest and greatest nation on the planet and we were delivered this on a silver platter.


    However, famine always strikes the poor countries without mercy. these countries are basically campers stuck with damn near nothing to assist their citizens.  They are paying dearly and all they can do is sit and watch it all happen before their eyes. You think we are in dire shape here, watch this.



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  15. 11 hours ago, oldtimer said:

    And our corporations love it.

    Yes they do and many US citizens dont know their 60" 4K TV that they just picked up for $599 after their stimulus check was extremely affordable because some poor sap is working 12-16 hours a day raising his family in a laundry room sized hole with bunks stacked 4 high on the wall. The thing is, Im betting theyre very proud to provide that for their family and feel fortunate when seeing the less fortunate.  Its no wonder so many hate the US, yet will give their life trying to get here and become a citizen.



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  16. 1 hour ago, Marvel said:


    Once the dust settles, you should travel there and meet people. Trust them? Not much... Most of the students my wife had while teaching there were no different than the kids here. She taught English, they all take it in school. Most just want to get a job, find a mate, live a better life. Some think they will take over the world. A camera for every two citizens? It is true they are doing the facial recognition, looks pretty creepy, like you are watching Person of Interest.


    We have a few places in Chattanooga where the police can build a 3D scene from security cameras in certain neighborhoods. That's pretty creepy, too. Can't see who shot that person? We'll just rotate the image for another point of view.

    Lots of good people all over the world in not so good countries, but its a shame they cant experience a real Democracy. There is no privacy in most of Asia. Everyone is praising how Taiwan handled the virus with so few casualties and the first reason is testing, the next reason is you got a portable fence put around your dwelling when you tested positive and you were monitored through your phone for movement 24/7 not allowed to leave.   Once again, the media can spout this and that on how behind we are here, but they're very good at glossing over the details and heaven forbid do they factor in our population size and start crunching and comparing the numbers which we are comparative to involving many major Western Europe countries combined.


    The face recog is very real and the whole 5G gig necessity for them to add more control, more eyes everywhere and their pinkie stuck in every pie of the world.

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  17. 1 hour ago, dtel's wife said:

    This is why China was nailing doors shut to keep people in their homes. Geez....they lie, steal and cheat. The truth isn’t in them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I couldn't agree more. 


    They have literally lied about everything from the git go. Trying to silence that Dr. and then likely killing him.    Did we really expect a commie country where modern slavery is a way of life and a gov't that would love to see a large portion of their elder citizens get cut down some give a crap about us?  They screwed up and while the world will be fighting this mess until 2022 or so, we will have plenty of time to think about what we don't really need to buy from them, which isn't going to be easy, and that is the truly sad part.


    Major US cities are using drones to monitor people under quarantine. Guess who makes them? Yes and they're streaming video back to dispatch and likely China as well. China has watched and learned a lot about the weakness's and actions of all the countries during this, I hope we have too.


    Just what we need is their 5G platform where we can run 3million devices per mile instead of 300K so they can really keep an eye on us.  After all that's what they do there is watch you with face recog cameras and I think its said there is one camera for every two citizens there, they follow you,  censor you, no Facebook for you, you get Govt approved China version of FB and Twitter. Bow and Kneel to Xi.


    They're not our friends , only business partners and they will find themselves a bit more isolated once the dust settles from this. Once there is a vaccine I think we will see a pretty big dog pile happen in just fashion.....and if not, they win.



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  18. 5 hours ago, richieb said:

    The numbers from China are highly “optimistic” to say the least. I have this on reliable information from someone with ties to many Chinese educators and non state edited publications. 


     Rumor has it every CPC Crematory site has been sent 10K Urns, and Im willing to bet thats only for paying families. They probably have a dump truck parked at each facility.    Everything the CPC says on record or let out for the public is misleading or a flat out lie. The country of modern day slavery.  We may see 2MM infected on record here in the US over the next 8 weeks and overall it may be as big as 10% of the US population total for those infected without symptoms untested.  What sucks is China and other semi world powers are watching us, seeing our action and response only learning our weaknesses.  Every country on this planet needs to be ready to punch China right in the seat once the dust settles from this BS. 

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  19. Whats the coincidence of China's index not even hitting bear territory until today????  How have they kept confidence so high, even though their Equity system is known to have artificial manipulation?  Hmmmmm. First world leader that actually stands up to them on trade and that they want gone and them knowing they will be likely  seeing more of him and suddenly this happens.  Oh and they say the WuFlu started in the US.....more hmmmm.

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