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Everything posted by strictlylespaul

  1. That's another reason I'd like an option to running the Cary all of the time. I don't like the idea of being without it involuntarily. It's made the trip to NC a couple of times, for issues and upgrades. The shipping boxes were mangled, I'd probably have to drive it there and wait for it, next time lol. I'm right there with you.
  2. Interesting - I've heard of Schiit, but have never considered them - thanks. I'm still tending towards my three picks though, so far - pending any reported experiences with them.
  3. Apologies - I should've stated that up front. Right around $1000 give or take. Yeah the First Watt is way past what I can do right now. I love my Cary, it does just about everything right for me, but It generates a lot of heat. The summer amp doesn't need to be of the same caliber, just needs to be pleasing and non-fatiguing.
  4. The NAD M22 sounds great, but the master series is currently out of my price range. Really, I'm looking for a decent amp that I can use during the summer, and to give the tubes - and my AC - a break during the warmer months. I have a now ancient NAD 314. One channel is dead, and it was so inexpensive that I will probably not pursue a repair. I never tried it with the Cornwall's, but I think it was around 35 wpc. 2 channels are all I need - no bluetooth or USB inputs required, either. That's why the 701 and old Marantz receiver appeal.
  5. Thank you. It's a carry over from some time ago. Still like my LP's though. I believe the Parasound is probably over my budget of around $1000 US - the Halo, anyway. I've never heard of Emotiva, and will look into them. Tennessee? Interesting, I'm in Kentucky - thanks!
  6. Hey there. I'd agree. And probably any of them would be ok, given the efficiency of Cornwalls. The 100 wpc is appealing, but since I've never heard any SS gear through the speakers, I'm not sure that would be the best choice - for me. I'll check the other forums in the meantime, thank you for the suggestion.
  7. Hi there - been away for awhile, actually quite a while. My last posts were in regard to picking up my Cornwall III's - almost fifteen years ago! One of the best decisions I ever made. Well, I still have and enjoy them, but was wondering if anyone was successfully using either a Marantz PM8006, Yamaha A-S701, or a Marantz 2238B with them? I checked, and was unable to locate any info regarding these amps with my speakers. I've been using a Cary SLI-80 with the Cornies for many years, happily - but would like to give the "space heater" a break this summer. I'm not after the last word in articulation or detail, obviously - just something pleasing and non-fatiguing, that I can enjoy whether I'm sitting near field as I usually do, or from two rooms away, cranked up. I'm leaning toward either the 701 or the old receiver...unless the 8006 will provide an out of body experience. Edit: I have a stand alone phono preamp - a Channel Islands PEQ - so an on-board phono pre isn't necessary. thanks for the help, Chip
  8. Lots of great suggestions and more info - dang. I've considered that the Cornwalls just may be the best fit, in consideration of what I listen to at the moment. The KLF's and CF's look intriguing too - as does the Cornscala, with the added perk that I could assemble and finish those - maybe I just want a project? I have a a Cary SLI 80 F1 Sig driving the Corns right now, and in the triode setting they're much better than anything I've ever heard. I'l read over your saga - and thanks again everyone for the wealth of information, Chip
  9. Wow. Okay that's interesting. I'm off to see what a KLF 30 and a CF-4 are - I like the idea of building something, too. I thought about the La Scala's and should make an effort to hear a pair, but honestly, the majority of opinions seem to indicate the bass will be different than I'm used to having - I'm reluctant to do a sub, and I do love the Cornwall bass. thanks very much for the suggestions, Chip
  10. Hi Bruce - cool - I knew someone somewhere was doing it. Funny the speakers keep getting larger, room stays the same size. Yep a Mac - thanks!
  11. Hi - On a quest for Klipschorns, I think. Like many of you I suppose, it began when I could afford my first "serious" gear sometime in the late 70's - was an Onkyo receiver I think, and a pair of Radio Shack 3 way towers, that for the time were pretty decent. My taste in gear hasn't changed much - though I briefly flirted with Planars several years ago (Maggies - 1.2 then 1.6) and let them both go because although the image and soundstage were, to me, unrivaled at their price points, they were missing something - probably had more to do with what I could afford to drive them with than with the quality of the pieces. So I had a descision to make - either go with a sub (nope) or some higher powered gear - or look for something else, which I did. Forgot to mention that at about this same time I discovered tubes for home audio. As a longtime guitarist and user of vintage/modern tube amps, I'm surprised it took me so long to figure this out. Are you with me still? So out with the Rotel 1080, and in with a Cary integrated that made the Maggies sounds very sweet, but naturally wouldn't push them where I wanted them to go - I grew up in the 60's & 70's after all, attended concerts in the 70's - that's the sound I wanted. So I wave goodbye to the Maggies, somewhat reluctantly. What to replace them with, that my Cary will like.... high efficiency speakers, of course - but what kind? Klipsch? Well, they've been making them for a long time, and by all descriptions sound like what I'm after: volume, dynamics, realism, volume...so I plunk down the bones or clams or whatever you call them, for Cornwalls (I'd been doing a lot of reading here by that time, and felt reasonably safe in doing so.) So it's three years later. I still love the Corny's - but if they sound this good, what must Klipschorns sound like? Did I mention my room is pretty small - 12x20x8 - and has lousy corners? But the Klipschorns would fit, barely - and the 1.6's were probably considered to be too much for my room, too - and they sounded pretty sweet. The Cornwalls sound awesome in this room, and in the bedroom, and the den, and outside... I'm a fairly skilled woodworker, so false corners or backs don't present a problem, but I don't think I want to part with the Corny's, and would consider the 'schorn's a "project." I'm looking for some validation here...and some help with inserting line breaks... thanks, Chip
  12. "It saddens and hurts me that the two young men who I raised to believe in the Ten Commandments have returned to me as perverts with filthy mouths and bad attitudes." strictly
  13. Sorry - my mistake. Thought the finish was called "Oiled Walnut" whether it really was or not. strictly
  14. 29-something - might as well have been 3000.00. Having said that, I called a few dealers in the area (and there aren't many) and they were the only dealer interested in helping me out - that's worth a few extra bucks in my book. strictly
  15. Thanks Michael - I wouldn't mind seeing them, if it's no trouble. Cherry was my first choice, as most of my furniture is cherry, but the walnut looked good too - you know how it is. Chip
  16. Hello - yeah I was surprised at how helpful everyone has been - hopefully I'll have opportunities to do the same sometime. That's some door prize! Break-in you say - guess I'd expect that with any speaker, but it's good to know since I've never heard the CW before. Really though, I'm not too concerned - given the run of my music collection, taste for volume, and some "coincedental" hearing loss over the years from too much live music, I think the Cornwalls will be just what the Dr ordered - so to speak. Thanks for the welcome - good to be here. strictly
  17. Wow - that's very cool. All by hand? I had no idea that was done anymore - will make me appreciate them even more. Honestly, I'm glad I hadn't posted earlier - the wait would really be killing me by now. Actually it'll be seven weeks, which doesn't seem bad considering. Thanks to all who've responded. I'll be taking pics when I pick them up/set them up, if anyone's interested, I'll post with comments after I've had a chance to hear them. strictly
  18. I decided to go with the perennial favorite - Oiled Walnut. Couldn't find any Cherry examples. Chip
  19. Yep - Gibson/Marshall, for many years now - too many, a fact to which my worn-out ears can attest - EH is right, as in "Eh, what did you say?" Thanks to Michael's reply, I've found that's exactly right - with room to spare. Chip
  20. Thanks. I'm pretty excited. After doing the Magnepan thing (wonderful speakers) for several years, I'm anxious to see what horns have to offer. Did I mention that I'm excited? strictly
  21. Hey wait a minute: "This will keep the woofer screws from wanting to tear out if you hit big bumps" That's a scary thought. From Mason, Ohio to Covington, Kenucky - 20 miles tops. On their backs it is - thanks for the tip. Chip
  22. That is truly awesome - thanks very, very much. Chip
  23. From Hope via Indy - will be picking them up next weekend[] Why the stop in Indy, I wonder? Question: does anyone have the packed dimensions? I'm wondering if my wife's Escape will handle these, or if I'll need to rent something... I asked the dealer to check, but he forgot to do it. thanks, strictly
  24. I'm just glad there are places like this to get er....educated. Would have been a costly mistake. thanks very much for the help, CP
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