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  1. As I posted here, my 5.1's won't power up after an electrical storm. It seems that I need to replace a MOV (metal oxide varistor) in my 500 W subwoofer. I am capable of soldering a connection, but I don't know what type of MOV I need or where to buy one. Any advice would be enormously appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the info. I would like to attempt to solder the part in myself. What MOV would be compatible with the sub? And where can I get one? As far as I can tell, the fuse itself is fine.
  3. Equipment: Promedia 5.1 THX/BASH w/ 500 W sub An electrical storm hit the area and blew a circuit breaker in my apartment. The rest of my electronics survived, including 3 desktop computers, a television, and gaming consoles, but the Klipsch's, which were connected to a surge protector, would not power on. Thinking I would have to replace a fuse, I opened up the sub. The fuse seems to be intact, but there is a blue tab-like electronic part nearby that is fried. I uploaded a picture here. If there is any other information I can provide please ask. My question is, how do I get a replacement for this part? Failing the protection of the circuit breaker and surge protector, shouldn't the fuse have protected the sub? Does anyone have a method of protecting their system from a similar fate?
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