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Everything posted by ssctrojan1980

  1. What do you mean piece of junk? Do you mean a bad sounding cabinet? Do you mean a bad looking cabinet? Please be specific cause there is no question the JBL Hartsfield puts the jubilee to shame on looks. And if you do mean a bad sounding cabinet, do you speak that from experience because you have a heard a Hartsfield? Or do you just speak of ignorance because others have said that the bass cabinet is sub par? And i really hope you are just referring to the bass cabinet. Because if you are referring to the 375 compression driver, it kinda blows the k55 out of the water. So please be very specific in what you are calling junk.
  2. Well Kwing.... you know how the bass sounds. Well, maybe you don't. If you would ever open up your speakers you would know. lol The midrange is phenomenol. My dad has 2452s on them with aluminum diaphrams and i have never heard anything like it. The key is that we ordered the parts from Crites to cross the bottom end at 600. That made a world of difference.
  3. Ask not what your speaker can do for you, but what you can do to your speaker. This is it. My name is Andrew Shephard, and i am, the President!
  4. OUCH!!!!!! Its gotta hurt to be that good looking.
  6. Sooooooooo, what's the question or did I miss it somewhere? Yes there was a question in there... I just never did ask it. I am making a few horns here trying to decide what looks best. I guess whoever buys them can choose which they like best. Anyways here it is.
  7. I need some input. I am veneerig the horn. I have cut the horn so that only the first few inches or horn are showing. All you can see is grill cloth into the horn
  8. SERIOUSLY!!!!, Does anyone have paragon plans?
  9. A message from experience. DONT USE MDF!!!!!! Baltic birch or paint grade maple
  10. Yes Maron, but Links loss is my gain. At least they were kept in the family. Oh, and the TAD's have benefited from a little restoration job. They now look brand, spankin' new. And just for some piece of mind they are being remagnetized with fresh OEM diaphragms. Ouch, I still cannot sit down. Are you the guy who bought Link's TAD drivers? Cause whoever bought them accused him of having blown diaphrams because they didn't know how to read an ohm meter. lol
  11. Maron!!! Dont let Link fool you. His set will be completed Monday or Tuesday. His are being veneered this weekend in cherry. And yes we have downsized to get outta debt. Somebody please talk some sence into Link, he still thinks his community drivers are all he needs.
  12. it is definately the end to my speaker quest. Although that paragon pic does look interesting. Now 1 of those in rosewood could be a nice center channel and flat scree stand. Who has the plans?
  13. On the Jubilee, you gain access to the woofers via trap doors on both the top and bottom. See the unit on the right and you'll see the hole. I didn't realize these were so big. The Jubilee itself is a monster and this dwarfs it lol. I think a more interesting question is as above, how much does it weigh and also, would it fit through a 'standard' doorway? (realizing that 'standard' is different in most homes) When I move my Jubilee's to the basement I will probably have to take them outdoors and around to the front rather than down the stairs and risk dropping or messing up anything in the stairwell. I've got french doors on the back of the house and on the front where they would go back in. No need to play the squeezie game trying to work them through fixed doorways. I'd hate to try to get these monsters through a fixed doorway. Love their looks though. You should set your 402 on top of them so those of us with the 402 can see how they work.... maybe you could sell some 'cosmetic kits' to us blunt fingered type. (no woodworking skills) With full set of drivers, crossovers, etc. it will be somewhere between 250 - 275 lbs. Remember, they are still just 24 inches deep like the jubilee. I do not wanna use that stock jbl lense on the front of it. So i will have a custom built trachorn there instead that will also be veneered in rosewood.
  14. INTERESTING METAPHOR??? I Dr. Ssctrojan1980, have performed major surgery. The hartsfield was sick and dying and needed new guts. So i performed an internaldectomy. I opened her up and took out her terrible sounding bass and installed the magnificent bass of the jubilee. Seti. i took 2 current jubilee clones that i had sitting around and i built the externals of the jbl and built them onto the jubilee. This speaker is the jubilee. I will never own any other bass cabinet. The jubilee is top of the line. But, the hartsfield is much prettier; just sounds like crap. This picture should help. As you can see i was cutting on my jubilee to begin the transformation.
  15. .....and yes, grill covers are on the way and the rosewood tractrix horn will soon be done and mounted.
  16. Well i've finally finished my veneer of my newest custom creation. Yes i did indeed take a Jubilee "clone" and turned the externals of the speaker into a JBL Hartsfield "clone" without changing the internals of the Jubilee "clone"
  17. Wow.... I see that you guys are talking about my work over here. I guess going back to my last thread, when i had the audacity to make the statement that Hartsfield was copied somewhat; seems to have some truth to it. Cause as i look at both of my Hartsfield plans. The external dimensions between the Jubilee and the Hartsfield are way to similar to be chance. Actually the measurements are within fractions of an inch. The front of the Jubilee is within a quarter inch of the Hartsfield front. HUH!!!!!! Anyways, no reason to bring up the past. This new project is interesting. I am veneering. My jubilee clones have been transformed into Hartsfield copies. So yes, i have the great sound of the Jubilee with the great look of the Hartsfield. Yes i can get the front lenses, Yes i have listened to my cabinet since cutting off a few inches. (sounds the same, no loss in bass) If you have been over to the other forum and seen my construction pics, that plywood you see closing off the bass exit will be the grill covers, and *** you can see my veneering has started. Yes it is a 3-way. i'll keep you guys over here posted! And YES, i'm sure i will be selling them! And NO, they won't cost 15,000 dollars. Are you kidding me with that? Hey guys, I have a NIKE hat here i will sell for 600 dollars. lol Any takers?
  18. Here is a pic with frames. I took it before packaging and shipping Friday.
  19. Here is where you guys get all messed up. See i'm sure that would test well. But whatever curve comes up on a piece of paper will be nothing like the sound of those horns are in person....
  20. THE BOTTOM LINE!!!!!!! you guys said it would look better with frames inside the top unit so i took off the covers and installed frames. Looks much better! Thanks. Before i shipped them i did my best on testing the cloth and frame and it really didn't work on paper but it looks good. )
  21. I just wanna say that i love each and every one of you guys. :'( your all bunch of crazy cats
  22. Horns are hard to build if you don't have something to hold them in place. They are basically impossible to what i can tell. A jig is piece of wood that you make to hold them together. I would just have to take a picture and show you i guess.
  23. It is a bunch of wood glued and screwed together that holds the wood in place
  24. Well i have not constructed a 402 yet. I literally built half a 402 using my own jig that i use to build horns. As far as the 402 when i get to it i will build a really big jig and take a mold of the 402 (i have 1) and built it outta wood.
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