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  1. Try your Heresys on their sides and see what you think. I love mine this way.
  2. I agree, my Heresy IIs will stay on their sides indefinitely. My listening room is very "live," and I believe the woofers out, tweeters in to be the best arrangement. My wife even likes the setup... Thanks for the feedback.
  3. Texts>I found this bulletin board yesterday for the first time and found the posts on setting Heresys on their sides interesting. So, I tried it. Wow! I thought I had a new pair of speakers.Mounted on 14" stands about 8" from the wall, the Heresy IIs did not even sound like the same speakers when positioned on their sides. The improvement in tonal separation is indescribable. Everything is so distinct with the midrange the most improved. And the soundstage is definitely wider. I definitely suggest trying this approach if for no other reason than to have fun and experiment. I would, however, like to have a little more bass. Has anyone used Subwoofers with their Heresys and what are the results? My Heresys had been mothballed for a new pair of KSP 400s. The built-in sub and bass response are what attracted me to the 400s, but they are just too much for my application. They overpower the room. With a "new" pair of Heresys, I may have to find a new home for the 400s.
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