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Everything posted by crd97086

  1. What are they..........I went to you the page............so much nothing. I always lead anyone straight........it is not about just leading, it would about being leading someone straight to the source. I am a very nice guy.......but yeah........to the source ...........thanks, Dale.
  2. Sir, really, anything is a step forward..............try my question. And the end of my quest of this forum. Please aspiire to you doing that for someone in the future. Thank, Dale.
  3. As I said in my many posts to all of you.............et al..............majorly goodnight..............you really.........except for the few in my other posts........you have NOTHING and subsequent to the conversation.............say hay to AMY......................bye................I will be looking in'...............Dale.
  4. So, Sir, with all due respect, ..........................I would love to believe your words.....but................you still are still;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;standing believing that...........Greg Robers////////// Votit Audio/.........is a a PRETENDER..................I know HIGHEND AUDIO;...................////;............Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have KNOWN for 7777777777777777777 MONTHS that you are a preteneder ./...............guess who told me that you call into KLIPSCH all the time....................fine................your have your opionions on's on crossovers.... Spearfrtiz..........all that I ask from this world is that people present themselves propersly...............Just like last December, when Sheltie Dave, Davis, and the rest started on me............ Shush Guys.......I thanked at that time Several members............among them Sootshe,, Fastrac Dave....(who doesn't know Dave's contribrtuions to the Forum?)............And most of all DBK;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Let it be said..................and do your F****** research............that these guys did the best in my minds eye for the promotion of what the BAsics that PWK laid down. With that said.............as always, I have only been here for 15 months............did I learn a TON .............HEll Yes..............So, do your own.......without that, you are just a bunch of POSERS like SpeakerFRistz. Would I have taken all that back , but the nayers...............the NEGATIVE POSTERS..........yeah you SpeakerFritz.....Yes, You Mark 1101 and and that other guy.......you would have never said this to ME...........Greg Roberts(Volti Auidio)..............or anyone................................................... Yeah............Amy take this down...................but Please...............take this..............old army SOD...............Speakerfritltz ..............Corpmaschal HIM(sp?_.........He, oh ....SF is ..........so not a nice guy............Look at how he beat GR928GTS......over timel.................why do you think this punk is a real contributor????????????? I would have been happy with anyone else to this discussion.............but .........people...............so, not SpeakerFritz...........SF...you are so much not willing to speak on my theads...........goodnight.............Dale.
  5. Okay................once again.............I am 53 years old...........I am only 2 years into getting to the best possible configuration........Just wondering what you have found to be the best in tube ampflication...........in your experciences.......please//////////////// I don't care about software Guys..............Please, just give me your impressions about the subject..............thanks.
  6. And Guys.....do you get it...........................................I could care less about the sofrware CRAP!!!! If you care about the subject,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,please.......get, to it...............that is all I am asking.......I aint;'t 20 years old.............. I ain't play'in ..........around.......please ....I am looking for for your straight up answers..............I value them.....thanks......Dale.
  7. Hello. Please understand that I need, at this point, truly staight up, honest answers. I am am being advised to spring the cash for a Mcintosh 275 tube amp. I am being told by a person that knows his chops, that this is a tube amp that I will be happy for perputituy(sp?). I would love to think so, but, I am looking for stellar imagaing, that is the biggest thing that I would like largened from my current highend setup. Any knowing, willing, experiences users would be appreciated.
  8. Well, really, how to do you know until you are there???? I truly always try to ask the best questions to beat through the 'crud'...........as we all know, you could have a zillion dollars to spend and still not get what you are looking for, because No One is willing to ask the appropriate questions. And, that, is as always the ONLY thing to do in any game. You only get what ASK FOR, in any area of life.....and we all know that.........but we all have to do the work with the questions...... In a simple word..........the same as everyone...........dynamics..............imaging..................et al,,........in a my own word's .....Sumptiousness...............but how the hell do I know I am there???.....I am telling myself that imgaing is missing. I understand that I am unwilling to go to Vinyl, which would give my the ambient ques..........is my only quest si to find that.. I love what PWK did.......but what have you found that is better? That is all I am asking.......but what have you found that is better?????
  9. The question would be....as always...........do you want the best........or just, something different........from whench did you come?........and where do you want to be be? There are relatively simple answers to all based upon your questions.
  10. And, please, WHY....can't I get paragraphs from this forum. I am all about good writing....or I try to be:)
  11. Hello. As always, my journey, at my age of 53, is towards the best. I just pushed myself into 'the best' in the last 2 years. Understand please, I was a total miser until then, concerning audio. Anyone who has seen me print on this forum knows the Loudspeakers that I love, they are the best in this format. The opinions that I am solicaiting here and now are your impressions of the Best Tube Amflication that you have expericened in your hone environment. Dollar amounts do not interest me, please understand that. At this point in my life, I will check out everything, and I have. To be very honest with you, I love the reviews that I see for the Coincident Frankentstein 300bs. I dunno. There are others, such as Border Patrol...such as Volti Audio recommendeds.....and I am not 'schilling' .....just stating Gentlemen. As always, I am looking for anyone's straight up recommendations.......regardless of price range......and please give a reference as to why it is better. I very much appreciate anyone's time. Thanks, Dale. ' P.S.....If I have left any comparative info out I will gladly come back and add that in. Thanks
  12. Hello Dr Morbious. As you may or may not know, when it comes to redesigning any proven configuration of a loudspeaker.......becareful. Allow me to tell you my tale of crap. Last year, I bought all the ingredients for a Cornscala from Bob Crites. I decided I wanted a 'taller Cornscala'. I pulled the dimensions for width in, and applied them to the height. I wanted a speaker that was about 44 inches in height. In short, when I had it all together.........it so totally sucked that I decided to go back to the LaScala model for inspiration. But one moment while I explain why! My feeling is that I took the 'bass bin' to a too radically modified shape, and/or I did not truly understand any port modification that may be needed for the height/width adjustments I made. There are so many variables that you may step across in a 'given' driver setup that you truly need to get all the research that possible that you can. In the end, it is up to you. Anyone that has heard my voice on this forum knows that I am a very happy customer of Greg Roberts. I have his VoltiScala, or V1. I always preface myself with that. Bob Crites is invaluable for his many years in this Art/Science. I ask you to access them both in your answers. In the end, it is all up to you and the knowledge that you accumulate.
  13. Just to be specifically specific......I was referring to the SACD layer of the SACD. Thanks.
  14. Well, HELLO>>>>> this would be a MAJOR TOPIC...........guess what????????? We aren't suposed to be token' bout' it..........we just old hone boys.......wise up and talk about it it..........it you have ...........then sorry about that.................but keep holdin' between your check and your graw' ................the commercedddddddddddddddssssss to know.........Thanks..........................and start makin..........some NOISE ya' ALLLLLL............has SILENCE got you any where????????????????????????????
  15. No Worriess................I do raise some of the best best questions anywhere............just a thinker out doin hi business........................thanks?
  16. Hello. I am in my 3rd iteration of higher end CD players. For reference, I had the Marantz SA-11S2, then dramtically better as upgraded by The Upgrade Company and now the McIntosh MCD-500 by The Upgrade Company. For your reference these have all happened in 3 months ear time. My question is, do you who purchase actually hear a 'significant' difference between the redbook CDs and the SACD? I just have not in all 3 of these players in such a short period of time. The only quality difference is by going to genres of music, and music houses, that record properly in the first place. That is the only difference that I feel actually exists. I am curious what others truly find, and I mean 'feel' without a whisker of skeptacism. Thanks for any feedback.
  17. I am 53. I use a ribbon tweeter that comes in a 9 Khz. I know I have lost some hearing in the 35 years of Rock and Roll abuse, but then I always valued treble over anything else. Now I am a more balanced in my evaluation of sound, but I still like a 'hot' high end.
  18. Ya' know....too much thinking has really killed my recording's value......... I just put on Pink Floyd's the Wall........It is just so bland on CD. Strangely enough, I had a dream last night about how much better Vinyl is .......I am going to buy a phono preamp for my TT.........It has to be more dynamic........or I hope. Thanks much for the insight.
  19. Miles Davis's 'Kind of Blue' was, like alot of people, the first 'serious' jazz album I bought. This was back when my speakers were okay, but the electronics really sucked. Even then I could sense the quality of the recording. Now that I have good electronics, I truly appreciate that recording, and the music. In the paper I said I was reading, the author was trying to assess how much have terrible source material would affect album sales. Now that I am 'too picky', it certainly alters my buying habits. He also wondered how a generation brought up on poor source material would be effected in their future approach to recorded music. Interesting, but I am only concerned with the here and now:). I would have loved it if the recording industry has just done it correctly across the board. Oh well, I am glad that my Pop music days are well in the past.
  20. I am reading a paper by a fellow that is analyzing the 'Loudness' wars and the loss of dynamics, lack of contrast. That combined with what was talked about here, ie. poor care taken in actually miking strategy, it makes me at first blush never want to purchase a remastered album again. I know that is going to extremes, but I will look into feedback on albums more before purchasing in the future in hopes of finding comments that pertain to the actual sound qualtiy. I know that is tough to obtain in general as I have tried in the past, but I will be more thorough in the future. My audio components are just fine, it is the source that I need to concentrate on. Thanks for everyone's comments.
  21. I have done the same search, and I came up disappointed also. I have found them on Amazon with a bit of searching. I can say that if you like Elton John, there are a number of his albums that are both older and newer that are available on SACD. I wish I could say that I find them to sound better than the CD layer, but I just haven't. I read some people say the SACD layer is so much better, but I haven't yet heard it. There is also a website I found a few months ago that specifically listed SACDs and where to buy them. I think it might have also had links for each album to the place it was available. Unfortunately, I don't recall what it was, but the time I found it I do recall it was on the first page in my browser.
  22. Although I started this thread in a 'bad place', the thread went to what I have unfortunately coming to same conclusion. That is, what I am really missing are more great recordings. I am always blown away at how my best recordings, 50s & 60s Jazz, sound fantastic to the much more recent recordings. From the conversation here, I now get it. It really isn't possible to have what I have envisioned as the sound I would like due to too many poor recordings. As I said, I am blown away at the number of the earlier jazz recordings have much more natural sounding instruments, like the ride cymbal, as well as much more interesting soundstage. My fears have been explained. Thanks.
  23. I apologize for my rant......Under a ton of stress lately and I let it 'get to me' .
  24. Is there really much difference?........please looke at the woofer architcture.....and move on from there.....the rest is so the same with Klipsch.....unless you want to move to the higher ground....................................you're so static........luve u.
  25. Hello.....Yeah, I am trying to get your Attention.......................if you are interested........................and I am not indulging you too much..........would you please tell the group what you have found to be your HIghEnd.....so some else is able to model off of IT........I have found the Sourcs to to be it........Digital./....;;Analog.......Yah, Mallete,...tape......I would like to hear all........Thanks....Dale. By the way....I vote for Digital.....in the best of all worlds.
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