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Everything posted by CaseMan

  1. i just bought max payne and have been playing it for an hour or so... the bullet-time is really cool, and the gfx are decent, interesting story, etc, but holy $#!* greatballsoffire you need a good video card. i wouldn't touch this with less than a geforce2... otherwise you can expect choppy frame rates even at 800x600 and 16bit color. but it's very cool otherwise. if you have a fast computer, i would recommend based on what i've played so far... This message has been edited by CaseMan on 07-26-2001 at 10:23 PM
  2. lol same here. i keep going into the 5.1 menu and see if a 'buy now!' icon has appeared since i last checked. then i check the forums to see if anybody has any new information. then, dejected, i get back to work or eating my cheerios. This message has been edited by CaseMan on 07-25-2001 at 08:34 PM
  3. phew... i finally received my hgtxp in the mail today -put in the soundcard, plugged in the wires, began installing the software... and bleaugh. it wouldn't read the installation software. no gt properties tab and didn't install all the drivers. so i tried to listen to music to test it anyways, and it sounded miserable - tinny like listening to bass-heavy music from a cheap car stereo. but went to the website and dl 2.0 drivers, and presto! gt tab, drivers... bass and clear sound. i guess the cd was defective - of all things. hmm. ok now all i need is the klipsch promedias to make my computer setup complete... (*ahemcoughklipsch*) This message has been edited by CaseMan on 07-25-2001 at 08:28 PM
  4. for a very in-depth review of the hercules gtxp follow this link to 3dsoundsurge: http://www.3dsoundsurge.com/reviews/GameTheaterXP/gtxp.html
  5. thanks guys that helps a lot. i read some reviews and decided to go with the hercules game theater instead (still waiting for it to get here however!)
  6. ok, two questions really: what games out there right now have great frickin sound/music, and deserve the best speakers you can find? some games sound like crap regardless of the quality of speakers. but i'm sure some deserve the power and subtlety of the klipsch's. secondly, what pc games support 5.1 sound? is that going to become a standard within the next year or so? i've heard that games only make use of 4 speakers, and don't implement the center channel. what's the deal?
  7. whoa that smiley face is creepy. new to this forum and didn't know it would be that big. freaky.
  8. i would be happy as punch if they came out anytime before august, to be honest. i'll say july 28th at noon and hope for the best.
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