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Posts posted by A1UC

    and what do you think? legitimacy to the claims/build/expense, or total bullshit and incremental gains at best?

    It will be awhile on comparison both are top models . I had them at different locations finally hauled back tonight . Build Quality excellent on both . Not bullshit both are very good. I guess the big question would be is the high cost worth the incremental gains, which is up to the individual. As far as these models compared to anything under 10k I can say it's worth the cost me for what they bring . Now is it worth 3x 10 k lol I have to say no

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  2. From all the speakers and gear I have been through the Devore 0/96 are the best sounding speakers and at 13k it's a bargain . I could listen all night I enjoy them that much .

    As for a music server Aurender W20 is the sweet spot along with Lampi golden Atlantic TRP DAC

    A nice 300B amp and you got a excellent system

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  3. Just say NO still applies. I got some BJC and heard a difference so clueless for the most part on the new stuff.  Yup, just say NO!  BUT...  [emoji23]

    Trust me on this , don't get sucked into this higher end gear very bad addiction. I wish I could shake it

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  4. Also I have been trying to find a way to say this without it coming across wrong so here I go .

    You would not put a 9k power cable on a 2500.00 piece of gear .

    I have a very good system at our other house but would not put Sigma or Omega on it , it just makes no sense because of the value of the gear . I use Allnic speaker cables and mogami rca's . My main system is totally diffrent to justify the cost .

    When you get to the top tier cables you need to have a certain type of gear to really take advantage these types of cables .

    Again I'm not putting anyones system down I'm just trying to explain this .

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  5. I would love to say A LOT here, but I won't. I will just say good on you and nothing else (and I mean that). 

    Yes it will get out of hand [emoji23]

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  6. That's for sure.  I want my daughter to succeed, my wife and I are dying to vacation regularly again and I'm damn sure not working until Medicare will "take care of me" (no they won't and it won't exist by the time I come to age surely).  I hear you, I love audio and admire seeing your extravagant purchases.   I know what many of them are and have experienced more than a couple in person.   

    Medicare lol , I was cutting a monthly check 11k a month for my dad in a nursing home . This is what you get in return for saving your money , the guy next to him didn't have any savings got same care free . I had a real wake up call

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  7. I'm nowhere near on your level.  I have the money and can spend on the level that you play in, but I never will. Have my 2 year olds life to worry about and I want to retire early and have my house paid off, in addition to heavy investments.   However, I appreciate quality gear for reasonable money. Wouldn't consider myself a cheapskate, just a 75% guy if you will... I've heard plenty of megabuck systems and I'm well aware my system will never get close to some of the jaw dropping sound I have heard.  I had to have one dealer kick me out of his house and welcome me back another time after listening to Dali megalines in a purpose built dedicated room with crazy expensive gear. My mind was blown.... 

    Sounds like you got a head on your shoulders and very wise . My kids are in there mid 20's and I have no responsibilities or debt , I also seen a lot of people pass that worked hard all there life and never had a chance to enjoy much . I'm not going down that path it's a personal choice . We all have our own priorities in life .

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  8. Shunyata diamondback PC for my hypex amp and kimber kable hero balanced ICs. Those that say cables make no difference need not see this. I bought them both for a great priced knowing I could get rid of em if there wasn't an improvement. There certainly was (I listen to this system mostly EVERY day and I'm very familiar with it). 

    I'm a big Shunyata supporter one system is wired with all sigma v2 and omega . Glad you can hear the difference

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    I have used Heyboer power transformers and they are of great quality, use them with confidence for sure.

    Good to hear , looks like next yr before I see them . Was ordered custom wound with multiple shields and solder terminals so higher quality wire can be used .

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