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Posts posted by barefootpoet

  1. Did the original dust cap on the 15WK have 'EV" or "Electro-Voice" printed on it? I recently acquired a decent 15WK with what looks like the original orangish-colored surround but a plain black dust cap. I know the 18WK had 'EV" on the dust cap. Just trying to determine if this speaker has been repaired at onetime.


  2. I have an old Electro-Voice 848 CDP coaxial horn and would like to "upgrade' it into a 848 HF for a possible Centurion IV project. Was the only difference between the standard CDP 848 horn and the home audio "HF" version their compression drivers? The standard CDP used an "828" while the 848 HF must have used the "828 HF" driver. The EV literature doesn't specify the actual driver in the HF version.

    Thanks in advance


  3. Thank you JL. Its basically a combination of me not having any experience with cutting plywood and the know-how. I've messed up cuttting the curves of the top part of the 200 cylce horn three times and twice on the back part # 22. And 4X8 plywood is $35 a pop. In addition I should have researched this beforehand but I doubt I'd be able to find the two A8419 plastic horns that backfire for the mid bass as well as a 18WK so its probably for the best. My hats off to those who've build one successfully.

  4. Thanks for the advice, Speakerfritz. I did think the power rating capacity was a bit much on this Eminence speaker for a folded horn application but the "long throw" feature seemed ideal. It is interesting that the EV 18WK was 16 Ohm but had a 3.2 DC rating similar to a 4 Ohm speaker to pull more power from the amp.

  5. Do you think this 18-inch driver would be a good choice for a Patrician enclosure? Seem to match up fairly well with the 18 WK

    Eminence Delta Pro-18C 18" Driver 4 Ohm

    Long throw subwoofer for small vented cabinets. Oversize top plate and large pole vent help keep the voice coil cool. Recommended enclosure size: 3.0-10.0 cu. ft.

    Specifications: Power handling: 500 watts RMS VCdia: 2.5" Le: 2.65 mH Impedance: 4 ohms Re: 3.8 ohms Frequency range: 35-200 Hz Magnet weight: 67 oz. Fs: 27.23 Hz SPL: 94.4 dB 1W/1m Vas: 17.26 cu. ft. Qms: 13.24 Qes: 0.32 Qts: 0.32 Dimensions: Overall Diameter: 18", Cutout Diameter: 16.57", Depth: 8.13".

  6. John, today I caulked and prime painted the inside portions of the bass horn assembly pictured in the previous posts. The plans really made clear that the enclosure must be air tight. I'm now working on cutting the intricate details of the back overlay (part 21) that will form the back part of the speaker enclosure. I'll have to admit that so far this has put my novice wood working skills to the test.


  7. I finally completed the two inside portions of the two "dead air cavities" and their function is compared to the "dashpot of a Corlis steam engine" and acting somewhat like an air spring to give the the woofer "push back" during certain octaves.

    Does anyone know if Mr. Klipsch incorporated such in his speakers? Or is this something Mr. Carlson at E-V designed into the Patrician IV?

    I finally decided to take the plunge and build an Electro-Voice Patrician IV. I've always found this particular speaker both bold and interesting and a wonderful example of 1950s vintage American Hi-Fi. So far I've built the front portion of the bass horn assembly and should complete the inside chambers this weekend or next.

    Wish me luck.


  8. I finally decided to take the plunge and build an Electro-Voice Patrician IV. I've always found this particular speaker both bold and interesting and a wonderful example of 1950s vintage American Hi-Fi. So far I've built the front portion of the bass horn assembly and should complete the inside chambers this weekend or next.

    Wish me luck.


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