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  1. Great aktwits. Glad you're enjoying them. Sad to see em go.
  2. I actually have no idea how they are upside down. They are upright locally and on avsforum Can they be edited? I see I can flip them here but it doesn't stick.
  3. You have no idea how hard it was to do this hanging from the ceiling!
  4. Added pics. I forgot to mention. I didn't care for the front pieces and no longer have them. The bare spots there are more rubbing marks than a "chip". Please don't mind the dust. Just kinda dirty. They look much better in person.
  5. Trying to sell my speakers so I don't really have much use for this receiver anymore as well for now. It's in good condition. About 2 years old. Asking 400 + shipping http://www.onkyousa.com/Products/model.php?m=TX-NR809&class=Receiver ChrisZ
  6. Right on, I'll try to post up some closeups tomorrow. In the meantime here's a useless far away pic
  7. Just checking if there's any interest. I live in Owosso, MI. (northeast of lansing). Looking to sell my speakers. THey are about 2 years old. I bought them from vanns refurbished. Not sure on their warranty. I'm not sure on what they are worth. 1500$? Good condition. A couple dings and a spot where the wood chipped off, about half an inch. Could probably cover it up with marker or something. I never bothered. They still sound great and work perfectly. Will post pics if there is any interest. ChrisZ
  8. I agree, my Onkyo 809 powers the RF7's just fine. I have an Emotiva XPA-2 sitting here setup in my HIFI for the past 6 months or so that I haven't hooked up yet. I haven't really seen the need to.
  9. I was hoping maybe someone more knowledgeable with Audyssey would chime in but all Ic an say is from what I've read on avsforum, xt32 is significantly better for sub configuration than xt.
  10. I just purchased an XPA-2 for my RF-7 ii's. I'm thinking of getting an rc-64 ii and some rs-62 ii's. My receiver currently is a Onkyo 809. Rather than buy another amp. Do you guys think that the 809 could drive the 2 surrounds and the center ok?
  11. It's a good receiver, plenty of power. It has Audyssey MultiEQ, though I never got audyssey tuned in how I like it. ( I currently have it off ). Only downside if you have a sub is now multieq xt32 which has better bass management for that. Overall a good AVR, 699 is a decent price, I think I paid 799 for mine a few months ago.
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