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Everything posted by MattD

  1. SSIA. I've never seen a pic of the back of these speakers, so I don't know. If I'm not going to do this right away, are there jumper bars or something? Thanks, -Matt
  2. For similarly priced and spec'ed Onkyo and Denon receivers, is there any reason why I should take one over the other for Klipsch RF-3 II series speakers? Thanks, -Matt
  3. Now, how good a deal can you give me on those RF-7s? -Matt
  4. Okay then, which SVS sub should I go for? I assume I'd need one with a built-in amplifier because the subwoofer output on the Denon AVR-2802 is from the "pre out" section. The room these are going in is almost perfectly rectangular and not bigger than 10'x15'. Please keep my price point in mind (how much I'll save by not getting the KSW and how much the SVS will cost me). Thanks, Matt
  5. I'm soon to be in the market for a receiver and 5.1 speaker setup. I am considering a Klipsch RF-3 II setup (RF-3 II, RS-3 II, RC-3 II, KSW-12). I am also considering the Denon AVR-2802 as the receiver. I'd like to stay around this price point, so anything of similar dollar value or less will be considered as an alternative. For the speakers, I want it to be a 5.1 system that handles BOTH music and movies equally well. The music will be up to 24/96 resolution or DVD-A/SACD. I mean to use it for critical listening and regular music enjoyment. The receiver must have at least one coaxial and one optical digital input. Most I've seen have only one coax ... 2 would be ideal, but I can convert one of my coax outs to optical if need be. Dolby Digital and DTS are a must. DPLII is a big plus (for 5-channel stereo music). I'd be interested in hearing any and all suggestions. By scouring ebay and online resellers I think I can get all of the above for around $2200. Please keep it in the 2200-2500 price range. If you have any questions about my indended use, please ask. Thanks for all your help, -Matt
  6. I will take your advice and call them. My sound card provides a 24/96 digital output (both coax and optical). I would be using my computer for most high-end listening (I have an increasing collection of materials recorded at 24/96 PCM). I also plan to hook up a DVD player and TV currently. I certainly hope to expand to SACD at some point. -Matt soundog wrote: Call Outlaw for any questions you have they are VERY helpful. I think it does do 24/96 ....but what supplies a 24/96 digital signal? The Outlaw certainly does DVD video sound but DVD audio and SACD are analog output only aren't they?
  7. I agree with your point about the speakers. I think I would be better off with the RF3IIs as a start and then continue to build from there. My only concern with the Outlaw 1050 receiver is that nowhere on their webpage do they claim that it decodes 24/96 digital input. If it does, that's what I'd get. Otherwise ... I'm not sure what would do the job. What kind of power per channel do I need for the RF3IIs (and the other speakers that would eventually make up the system)? Is there another receiver in this price range that does all that the Outlaw can with 24/96 decoding? (With the speakers being ~$850/pair, it'd be great to keep the receiver around $500). Thanks again for the help, -Matt
  8. Hey all, I'm looking to set up a system for about 70% music 30% DVD/game/tv. I'm very interested in the Marantz SR5200 receiver, but I read somewhere on the board that they blatently lied about their power specs (rather than the 85 wpc, they were getting 27??). That has me a little concerned. Otherwise, I like the 24/96 DACs (I have a 24/96 soundcard - Sek'd Prodif Plus). I require 2 digital coaxial inputs, which is why I've looked at this unit over similarly priced HK and Denon receivers. DD5.1(or more), DTS, PLII and multichannel analog inputs are all a must. For speakers, I've been eyeing the Klipsch Synergy System 6. I've heard it's somewhat lacking in the midrange for music, which has me a bit worried as well. I'd like to hear other opinions on the matter. The cost of these components probably totals around $1300 if I shop around. I'd like to keep it in that ballpark. Thanks, -Matt
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