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No Disc

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Posts posted by No Disc

  1. Thanks. We already checked and we got lucky as both the wife and my checkbooks were untouched and no checks appeared missing. I am double checking EVERYTHING this weekend.

    - Tim


    On 4/29/2005 2:00:19 PM boom3 wrote:

    My house was broken into about 8 years ago. They took about 10 dollars in change but also took a pad of checks I had left in my dresser. Although my credit union made it up to me, it wes a pain to have to deal with all the worthless checks they hung all over town. One of the thieves tripped himself up...wrote one of my checks to WalMart for a VCR, and signed *his* name. Then he tried to get a cab driver to return the VCR to WalMart for cash so they'd split the proceeds. Between the bank (guess WalMart didn't notice the mismatch signature) and the cabbie ratting him out, he was caught.

    Moral: Lock up your checkbook and blank checks, even at home.


  2. They took similar items from the other home too. I definitely looks like it was the same person(s).

    I believe the person was semi-technical otherwise they would not of taken the things that they did. Comcast High Speed Internet (CHSI )repair was out at my place a few weeks ago. I was not home, but the wife was. My wife, despite my wishes, left the guy alone while he did his thing. I'm sure he had ample time to take notes, written or otherwise. I know that CHSI uses contractors and I have no idea what the screening process is.



    On 4/29/2005 11:15:34 AM Parrot wrote:


    On 4/29/2005 9:05:57 AM No Disc wrote:

    Tim ( "No Disc" <- How ironic is that)


    They didn't steal your sense of humor.

    Saw your post about it at AA. Do you have any idea what they stole from the other homes? I think it's remarkable that they took your Sony. I didn't think thieves bothered with CD players anymore, since they are so inexpensive. Sure, yours looks like quality, but it seems like they had to know in advance it was valuable, otherwise they wouldn't have lugged off a heavy piece of equipment like that if they could only get $10-$20 for it, or whatever normal hot CD players bring.


  3. Bear is a Siberian Huskey, not big but considered a large breed. He's old and gentle as a lamb.

    Police already warned us that sometimes they come back. Wife is working from home until we get security in place.



    On 4/29/2005 9:24:45 AM Cleve wrote:

    I'm sorry about the loss. What kind of dog? I know that, despite their great size, Newfie's will likely wag their tail at burglars.

    And also, don't get complacent - Not trying to scare you, but the burglars may well be back. If it's one or two men, they can only grab so much at one time. Because they took certain items doesn't mean they didn't make a mental inventory of the rest of the house's contents.

    Best of luck


  4. Thanks for the tips. We are already planning much of what you suggested.



    On 4/29/2005 9:46:41 AM Cal Blacksmith wrote:

    Man, that is a bummer. Make sure they didn't take any mail or bills. A common thing to do is identity fraud after they hit you. Yes get an alarm and go over everything around the outside of the house. Add dead bolts to the doors if you don't have them, double locks on the windows etc. They may show back up in a month or two, after what they took was replaced to hit you again.


  5. Wednesday afternoon my home along with others in my neighborhood were burglarized. They made off with a bunch of my computer gear, monitors, digital camera, dvd player and my Sony SCD-777es SACD player.

    As crappy as I feel about the intrusion and loss, I count myself lucky they didn't ransack the place and didn't touch my computer (no backup), and all my Klipsch speakers and tube audio gear. They also didn't kill my dog who was in the same room as where they stole most of the stuff from. My dog is not aggressive anyway.

    My home didn't have an alarm system, but that will be corrected soon. The wife and I both feel that whomever did this knew what they were seeking because other items were not touched and many rooms between the entry point and where the stuff was taken was not touched.

    One of lifes lessons.

    Tim ( "No Disc" <- How ironic is that)

  6. Joe,

    MusicDirect sells them and I believe they offer a 30-day MBG on just about all items.

    Trouble is, you might need more than one. Musicdirect sells individual ones and 8-packs.

    I got lucky and got them locally and was able to try them out. I also was able to borrow the Noise Analyser which helps greatly in knowing how many you need and where to place them to get the best results. I think I got 6 of them but probably could of got by with 4.

    Get 4 of them and if you don't like the results, send them back.

    No Disc

  7. Before I put any effort into getting clean AC in my listening room, certain times, usually late in the evening, the music would be cleaner, and less noisy.

    Less things running in the house, less dirty AC coming into the house, Less AC being used around the neighborhood. I believe it's all related. It's not your imagination.

    No Disc

  8. Jordan,

    Nope I didn't know it. I guess I should make it to other forums than the 2-channel area. I'll check it out, thanks for the heads up.

    No Disc


    On 4/14/2005 7:56:37 PM jorjen wrote:

    No Disc, Al K. is doing wood horns for Belles and Khorns. Have'nt you been following his Trachorn thread in "Updates and Mods"? Check it out, very, very cool! I am in for a set for my Khorns
    . Hurry up already Al, sheeesh!


  9. Interesting. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Duetche grammaphone. Fini is one heck of a guy, but I cannot nominate him until he sends me some vinyl... ;-)

    No Disc


    On 4/15/2005 8:10:28 AM maxg wrote:

    Oh and a Deutche Grammaphone recording to die for - the best I have ever heard from them....but I will have to hold on the details for now.

    Suffice to say I am nominating Fini for Pope - he has earned it in my book!!!


  10. At this point it's just a thought. For as the very few hours I am able to get in front of the 2-channel setup, it's probably just not worth it.

    I did manage to find some resources on Scott tuners and I also thank all for your feedback.

    No Disc


    On 4/15/2005 5:48:50 AM Chris Robinson wrote:

    My question relates to FM programming these days. There is a dearth of uncompressed, high quality programming anymore.

    Sadly, my XM Radio gets the most exercise these days simply because it's commercial free for the most part.

    How far we've retreated from the good old days.


  11. I'll have to try that because I have the same problem.

    I usually don't get all house things out of the way until about 8:30-9pm and then once I set down and start to listen I can usually get about 4-5 tracks in before I find myself drifting off.

    Caffine used to be my friend, but I can't seem to tolerate it these days.

    No Disc

  12. That could explain why I like the older DGG Tulips as they were also mastered using tube gear.

    A few months back I had a Russian Pianist over to my place and I put on some vinyl of Sviatoslav Richter. He felt the sound was quite believable and didn't detect any obvious faults of pitch or timbre.

    Musicologist... mmmm. I guess ignorance is bliss. I'll stay in the dark and enjoy my music. One thing that is good is that your system is capable of producing quality sound that even a Musicologist could not discern from the real thing. That says a lot about your system. Now you need better recordings... LOL

    No Disc

  13. Max,

    I didn't realize which TT you purchased or how much. Yeah, for 5 grand you would of got an SDS with a VPI Superscout master. Clearaudio makes good stuff, but pricey. I do love my Virtuoso Wood Cart though.

    On the other topic, not sure If I can help you there... Oh, I know, I know, try this on the wife...

    Antonis, your loan shark, is going to break your legs if you don't pay up the money he borrowed you for your gambling problem. I't's a sordid situation really, but how are you going to work and support your family without your legs...

    Oh well, it's a thought...

    No Disc

  14. When you think about it, there is nothing wrong with the turntable itself, it is the lack of a steady current of power that is robbing max of his sound, not the table. The table is perfectly capable of holding accurate speed provided a steady current is used.

    Some people purchase the SDS and find out that it does little to help their sound, most likely because they already have some other type of power conditioner or line stabilizer. Sometimes they are just lucky and they have relatively stable power. Why include a device that will drive the cost up and only help some of the people.

    For what it's worth, before I got the SDS, I did most of my listening late at night because there was less people using AC (air conditioners, lights off, etc.) and that provided cleaner sound. The SDS eliminates the problems associated with non-stable power from those type of power fluctuations.

    Just a thought.

    No Disc


    On 4/7/2005 12:56:32 PM scott0527 wrote:

    I'm amazed that for 5 grand(or whatever you paid), the turntable isn't already capable of holding an accurate speed. Yet a lot of the manufacturers do this. Linn has the Lingo, VPI has the SPS. Everybody says they make a big difference. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me but I won't bad mouth it until I get my hands on a Lingo or an Armegeddon for my Linn.


  15. Max,

    I personally don't see any issues with a dealer borrowing me a piece of eqiuipment to try out. He obviouly knew something about you and your setup. It's up to you to discover the benifit of the Clearaudio product or in this case that your analog setup would benefit from speed stability. If it's worth the price to step up, it's up to you. What turntable are you trying the Clearaudio product on?

    The VPI SDS does the same thing as the Clearaudio and is sold for the same purpose. The SDS also can adjust the Hz in tenth of a Hz steps, up or down. You can really dial in a speed this way, so regardless of stylus drag, plattter weight , belt material and friction, ring clamps, matts, etc. You can always dial the proper speed becasue you can adjust it in 1/10th of a Hz steps.

    I myself would not consider a power regulatr that did not offer that ability. Also some LPs are produced at the wrong speed, Kind of Blue comes to mind, with the SDS or Clearaudio you have the ability to dial in the proper speed for that particular album. ( by ear I guess or comparing to CD/SACD done at the proper speed). Additionally the SDS can keep track of Cartridge/stylus life if you choose to do so.

    I didn't experience the "veiled" lifting as much as you did. For me, it was a improvement in timbre, natural sounding attack and decay of instruments, and a general sence that instuments sounded "right." Piano for one sounded so much better with the SDS.

    No Disc

  16. I like the phillips as well, I find their vinyl to usually to be very quiet with low background noise, even if the recording or performance is subpar, the vinyl quality is usually superb.

    The older DGGs (large tuplip) don't usually have quiet vinyl, but I find I like many of the performances and the recording techniques they used are in my opinion are superior and sound fantastic.

    I always grade my albums by three attributes.

    Performance Quality

    Recording Quality

    Vinyl Quality

    They are all different in my mind and should be graded seprately. I usually find myself grading the older DGGs with an A for Performance and Recording, and usually a A- or B for Vinyl.

    No Disc

  17. Max

    The DGG Tulips or Large Tulip are what's the indicator for the older DGG discs, there is a large tulip on the LP label. Later releases had a much smaller tulip that did not extend to the outer edge of the label. Later tulips are also pretty good, but some of the older Large Tulips are simply amazing in their clarity.

    No Disc is a name I came up because I mostly listen to LPs and not CDs. When there is no CD in my digital player it displays "No Disc" so it was a cute way of saying I listen to Vinyl more than digital.

    No Disc

  18. That device seems to be exactly the same as the VPI SDS system. I have one and Jazzman has an older version of it called the PLC. I think I paid about $850 for my SDS and yes it makes a big difference. It's purpose is to keep the voltage constant and thus the speed is consistant on your turntable. It also has a Hz adjustment to set the speed correctly.

    One thing that does not sound right to me is adjusting the reading to 50 Hz. On my SDS you adjust the setting based on platter speed, so you need a strobe to know if you are too slow, or too fast. The Hz reading really is just feedback to give you some indication of where your setting is at. You adjust Hz up or down to dial in the speed of your platter until it at precisely at 33.3.

    No Disc

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