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Posts posted by m00n

  1. http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/multimedia/2007/10/gallery_bike_hacks?slide=1&slideView=1

    there is one bike with sound system, ugly though, a cool enough idea.

    several creative takes. I'd love the railroad bike.

    I like that one to dispite limited usefulness. HOWEVER, I would rater have it on 4 wheels where i could sit in the center between the two rails. by that point, it may not be considered a bike though.

  2. I dunno.... I was / am a huge Van Halen fan. I gotta stay old school and say I like the David Lee Roth era better. And not for the sining. I don't think sammy was hte problem. Eddy just changed his style, Their music was just SOOOOOO different with sammy. With David, Eddy's guitar riffs were clean and mean. Durring the Hagar era, it became very clustered, convoluted sounding... I don't know how to describe it. Don't get me worng, I tihnk some of Eddy's best work was with Hagar, but, all in all, I definitly like the Roth era better.

  3. So, every once in a while, I'll hear a song that I listen and think to myself, that song is perfect, I would not change ANYTHING about that song, note one note, nothing... So, I'm just curious to know what song(s) that you guys think fit that category. I just heard one which is why this is on my mind. I can think of another one as well.

    1) April Wine - Roller
    2) Loverboy - You take me to the top

    Just something about those two songs, they just seem perfect in every way.

  4. Excluding anything from Rush. I'd have to say one of my favorite bass rifts is from the band "The Scream", song "Man in the Moon". Just a mean cunky raw rift... One of those you just can't get loud enough.

  5. I don't get it. Can't believe all the build up ESPN puts into it. Seems like a way to fill up more broadcasting hours. Its better than the WNBA but that is not saying much.

    Not much into skateboarding or bicycle BMX, but, do love motocross stunts and what not.

  6. All the same, potentially offensive stuff doesn't belong on the forum.

    That's nothing dood. Nothing.

    Agreed, it was pretty innocuous, but any sort of racial stuff is a particularly touchy area for many folks.

    You know, we live in a day in age and in a country where people want to kill us simply because we are Americans. They burn the flag that I served under, they come here to our schools and drain our tax dollars.... I've seen people from foreign countrys come here and take advantage of our hospitality... So, that said, I don't feel that this was anything to be worried about. I for one am tired of being so friggen politically correct because I just might offend someone... If someone was to get offended over something that silly, then THEY are the ones with the problem, not me. [;)]

  7. I'll risk being a prig here.

    The word-play could be seen as a mockery of our Oriental friends. So it has no place here on the very high class forum seen around the world. Much of the merit of the forum stems from what we, in addition to what Klipsch (Inc.), present.

    I'm a bit sensitive. Near the end of college days there was a Chinese fellow with limited English in the engineering program. Uncommon in those days.

    I was astonished and horrified that he was openly mocked by a loudmouth American student who had followers who yucked along. Yes, I did take the Chinese fellow under my wing as much as possible (not to be self serving).

    'Nuff said,


    Did we forget our chill pill?

  8. Got this in an email, thought it was funny, though I'd pass it along.

    Learn Chineese in 5 minutes. An English to Chineese translation.

    English<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    That's not right

    Sum Ting Wong

    Are you harboring a fugitive?

    Hu Yu Hai Ding

    See me ASAP

    Kum Hia Nao

    Stupid Man

    Dum Fvk

    Small Horse

    Tai Ni Po Ni

    Did you go to the beach?

    Wai Yu So Tan

    I bumped into a coffee table

    Ai Bang Mai Fu Kin Ni

    I think you need a face lift

    Chin Tu Fat

    It's very dark in here

    Wai So Dim

    I thought you were on a diet

    Wai Yu Mun Ching

    This is a tow away zone

    No Pah King

    Our meeting is scheduled for next week

    Wai Yu Kum Nao

    Staying out of sight

    Lei Ying Lo

    He's cleaning his automobile

    Wa Shing Ka

    Your body odor is offensive

    Yu Stin Ki Pu


    Fa Kin Su Pa

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